Zachary Tarnopol – A young multi talented new generation YouTuber nicknamed ‘Poke’ you can’t ignore

Published by Greg Read on

Studies proclaim that User Generated Content (UGC) occupies a large share in online video consumption globally. YouTube accounts for a major share in this space, with approximate 2 billion active users worldwide.

I was always fascinated towards the internet technology since a young age says twenty two year old Zachary aka ‘Poke’. Ever since a kid I was always fiddling with any gadget I could lay my hands on, adding that he also enjoyed being in front of the camera lens throughout any family gathering, the early makings of a camera friendly performer which later cultivated into becoming a YouTuber influencing millions of followers through his videos. His journey as a YouTuber started when he first created his YouTube account on July 30th 2007 and since then there has been no looking back. Starting his own platform at an early age and later donning the cap of an owner leading his company ‘Poke Media LLC’, he surely has come a long way. It is not a gargantuan task as it seems to become a successful influencer, if you have the right attitude and approach, you can attain the heights of success without a doubt says ‘Poke’ The right content with the right target audience are the keys to making it big.

When asked what is the biggest achievement in your career as a YouTube influencer, ‘Poke’ says it was that moment when his video received over a 15 million views under 48 hours, which further instilled faith in his craft to reach out for more. He aims at expanding his company by hiring the best of the best talents available in the industry.

The greatest botch that YouTubers make when they begin their channel is not having right objectives. Numerous of them ordinarily have no thought or how to degree their goals. Not having objectives and a clear plan of action comes about in irregularity and inescapable disappointment. Begin by having a clear intent and you are definitely bound to succeed.

“Be imaginative and clear in building your platform, and there will be no stopping you from achieving success” concludes the young influencer.

Greg Read

Greg Read is an english poet, playwriter and actor. He has written many poems and short stories. He completed MBA in finance. He has worked for a reputed bank as a manager. Greg has found his passion to write and express, that is why he has decided to become an author. Now he is working on Globe Stats website as a freelance news writer.