To Branden Condy, Mindset Is the Key to a Successful Business

Branden Condy knows a thing or two about success. The entrepreneur went from a broke bartender to the owner of a penthouse with 250,000 Instagram followers in 45 days. He is now generating income while he sleeps through Amazon Automation stores that use the drop-ship model extremely successfully. His secret to success, though, isn’t all that secret. Branden decided that instead of doing what everyone else was doing and chasing a desk job that paid minimum wage, he was going to pave a whole new way for himself.
“I come from nothing. I know what it’s like to be hungry and homeless. So I decided that I never wanted to live like that again, which meant that I had to create my own opportunities. I used this as a powerful motivation to begin my career in social media and on Amazon. My desire to overcome the struggle propelled me forward, and instead of crying over the fact that I didn’t have anything, I decided to change things myself,” he shares.
For Branden, his family and friends helped motivate his desire for success. He wanted to be a shining example of all the good that can come from breaking society’s rules, showing people that it can be done. He bets on self-confidence. “You’ll never be successful unless you believe in yourself first. This is non-negotiable. Think about it as a game of chess; you always have to look a few moves ahead. You need to take risks and position yourself among the right people so you can feed off of each other’s enthusiasm. Moreover, you have to maintain a positive attitude. Make life happen for you, not to you,” he says.
Condy is a role model for thousands of people, and he tries to put forward his best effort to give them a great example. “I love teaching people. It fulfills me. Plus, if everyone managed to become successful, then we would have a better world,” he says.
Branden believes that mindset is one of the most important tools in one’s skill set, no matter what they do. He advises people to slow down and evaluate why things happen the way they do and look for the repeating patterns. “If you’re grinding but constantly broke, it’s worth stopping to ask yourself why. Otherwise, you’ll never change anything, and repeating the same thing over and over again is practically the definition of insanity,” he says.
The future looks bright for Branden Condy, who is excited to explore and implement new trends in his business. He is a strong proponent of technology. “Us, Millennials, we have pretty much grown up with technology and Instagram and Facebook. So it’s up to us to decide whether we want to use these platforms to complain about being broke or to generate money,” he says.
Branden focuses on providing value in the form of content for his growing fanbase. “I don’t want to just post cool photos. I want people to really take away my core message, my mission, which is that you need to feel confident. You need to live and breathe that confidence and apply it to everything that you do on a daily basis. If you believe in yourself, soon enough, others will begin believing in you, too. You’ll be able to get out there, build something for yourself, and inspire others. Together, we really can change the world for the better,” he explains.
To find out more about Branden Condy, and get inspiration from the entrepreneur, follow him on Instagram.