Is Marly (Almir Leka) one of the last singers to keep reggae music alive?

In the beginning of the 2000s reggae music was already considered well past its prime, but what about 2020, what are the most common impressions about this genre? With music industry evolving year by year, there has been many misinterpretations of concepts like ‘pop music’, ‘hip hop’, ‘trap’, ‘reggaeton’, ‘reggae’. As the new tendency of the singers and producers is to bring remakes of songs that were popular in the 90s, and adjust them with 2020s tendencies, the ‘back-spine’ of music genre in general is kind of lost.
Today with us we have a strong suitor of genre division, the 23 year old Albanian hip hop & reggae singer and songwriter Marly (Almir Leka), who believes that singers and producers should conserve up to some extent the core and the origins of the genre of the songs they produce. He revealed for us that it is unpleasant to see how some songs that maybe 30 ago were anthems, that everyone looked up and hold dear, being transformed and deformed. He believes that the new versions are still beautiful, but with the tecnology advancing, and with recording and mastering being perfectioned, these new versions according to Marly, make the old version seem dull and old in the ears of the young listeners. Many times he has raised awareness in his official instagram profile (@marly.artist) about these kind of topics, and it seems that many fans following him agree with his reasoning.
For all of you who didn’t know, Marly is the author of various hits such as: Sant & Marly – Ne Yo, Sant & Marly – D.M.P.L, Sant & Marly – Hola, Sant & Marly – Dalim, Devis Xherahu ft Marly – Me Pelqen Ajo, Devis Xherahu ft Marly – Per Ty Mbarova.