Elmore Lewis Watches, a High-End Luxury; with Eli Dangerfield

Published by Laurie Patnick on

Meet Eli Dangerfield, a 21 year old millionaire, born and raised in Adelaide, Australia who’s now helped over a thousand people start making serious money online. When it comes to the topic of retiring, Eli says “I don’t think I will ever retire, by the typical sense of the word. I feel like I’d get bored. I love the chase and the journey of taking an idea to a profitable business and building systems. If I had to give up business, I wouldn’t feel right anymore… It’s like a game to me, I thoroughly enjoy and have fallen in love with the process.” He believes that he is technically already retired in a sense, saying “the point of most people retiring is so they can stop working and have more time to travel and spend time with loved ones, I already have that, so in my eyes, I am making money while having total lifestyle freedom now, I am retired already, at 21 years old.” While other people Eli’s age are completing their university/college degrees and entering the work-force with mounting consumer debt, he has strived for the past several years to build himself an online empire which enables him to live his dream lifestyle. “I’m so grateful and blessed,” he exclaims.

He was just a teenager in high school, living a very average life he made the split decision to start up his own business in order to help out his struggling family with growing debts changed his life forever. He is now the proud founder of Elmore Lewis Watches, a high-end luxury watch company. At just 21 years old, he is now worth seven figures.

“I want to be known for creating amazing online brands with raving fans, and helping people change their life for the better.” Eli says, “I have this goal of helping at least ten thousand people quit their full-time jobs and start making money through the internet, granting them the same kind of lifestyle freedom that I get to now experience on a daily basis.” Eli says, while addressing his progress, “so far I’ve helped several hundred people make money online, with some getting their first taste of it, to several earning several hundred thousands of dollars already.” He also says he wants to help reform the old “out-dated” traditional education system and teach people more valuable life skills that typically get left out during school that are just as important as what is currently being taught in his opinion. Most of all, Eli wishes to leave behind a positive legacy that has inspired people to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals.

When asked to give one piece of advice to someone just starting out in business, Eli responded by saying, “Look, I could sit here for hours and give you all of my personalized advice, but if I had to give one piece to someone just starting out, I’d have to say… don’t give up. I know it sounds a little cliche, but it’s true. If I gave up at every road-bump in my way, I would not have achieved what I have so far. If you want something, be relentless and do not quit until you’ve got it. Whatever your goal is, you must maintain laser focus and discipline in your actions to get you there. Mindset and consistency will play a big role. Another gem is always put yourself in your customer’s shoes in business, it will serve you more than you realize.”

@Elidangerfield is where you can mind out more about this hero and his Elmore Lewis Watches brand which has since sold thousands of products all over the world to over 20+ countries with hundreds of 5-star reviews.

Laurie Patnick

Laurie Patnick is a news author, critic and mountaineer. Her educational background in family science and journalism has given her a broad base from which she approaches many topics. Laurie’s broad understanding of these topics has made her an expert on many topics and now she shares her knowledge with the world through globestats.com.