Idris Lura’s Letsgrub sees huge turnover as it’s valuation rises threefold

A lot of people are investing in the digitalized world these days, and its innovative industry ideas it has. Some people have been doing it for quite some time and this is the reason why you hear about them first when you enter the tech industry. One such individual is Idris Lura, originally from Australia. In 2005 he decided to shift to Texas with a dream and a clear goal, and today he stands successful as a CEO as well as the founder of Letsgrub, a company that brings together people passionate about food.

Food is an intense love language, it brings together people of all kind, cultures, irrespective of their differences. With his skills as a techie and a passionate person himself, Lura decided to launch a platform that would help people connect with each other towards their liking for food.

Ever heard about the exotic food from all around the world? We like calling unique things eaten in different countries that we are unaware about exotic. Not every place offers the same quality of exotic, or even normal food from different cultures because of their making style, regional preparations, and other differences. This is where Letsgrub comes in! It is the one stop shop and only site where you can connect with foodies who have a similar food taste as yours, and teach you about the special ingredients in the food, the factor that adds to the dish being exotic, and so much more!

For Idris Lura it’s not only about business, it’s about bringing together people and focusing on the aspects of humanity to things people actually love. The idea is same as that of a social media, but food is the main theme! He has been able to showcase his skills as a tech entrepreneur successfully by proving time and time again through the years that he is capable of putting his ideas into the right direction. He could beat the high end competition in both the food and entrepreneurship industry since these never go out of style, and has managed to remain at a stable position making Letsgrub more popular than ever.

We should mention how the valuation of Letsgrub has soared past 11 million on just the first few months of launching. Letsgrub first targets regions of Dallas or Fortworth area and then popularize it in other major Texan cities. Once it’s settled down here, Idris Lura plans to take it everywhere else, steadily and surely. Since it is all about connecting users, the focus is more on customer satisfaction and the people who use Letsgrub should have top notch features that are being simultaneously developed by the Kalkata development team in full steam!

Link for Letsgrub official website