Founder of Clonefluence, Justin Grome, A True Jack-of-all-trades That Furthers Your Career

Published by Katie Murphy on

Justin Grome is a young American entrepreneur, e-commerce expert and a social media strategist. However, he is most popular for being the founder of Clonefluence Inc., Cloned gg, and its subsidiary Earidescence. Initially Justin started his undertakings by generally being known as a proficient photographer, artist manager, and iOS developer. Born in Staten Island, New York, he went under the spotlight for his viral image posts, which made him keen on beginning a web-based media organization. 

Having received a great deal of success and fame on Instagram, Justin directed his concentration toward Twitter where he would post funny tweets and memes according to the trends of that time. His tweets were used by almost a 100 million users in a month and more than 25 million impressions. What’s more is that acclaimed Instagrammers such as @thefatjewish, fundamentally added to his growing pool of followers by reposting his tweets on their pages that led to more than 500,000 retweets and 700,000 favorites. 

Justin additionally also got featured on Worldstar’s Instagram page accumulating more than 50,000 comments, and on Buzzfeed for having the most clever tweets of the year in 2017. His ever increasing popularity led to become the face of the iFunny app and numerous other meme pages that were beginning at that point. Justin had amassed a mounting number of 2.4 million supporters through Twitter over the course of the years. 

Notwithstanding, Justin considered the transfer from Twitter be a minor setback and moved his focus and thoughts towards accomplishing something significantly greater this time. He worked persistently all alone for quite a while before formally launching Clonefluence in 2017. In addition to this, his marketing techniques and advertising strategies are so good that they send individuals into a frenzy while working with some notable individuals via social media, generally promoting music through Spotify campaigns, curation and networking strategies that reach millions. Justin has also received sponsorships for some huge brands like NFL, Sperry, Sunny D, White Castle, Walmart, ASUS, AD Council, FILA, and a lot more.

Initially when he launched Clonefluence, Justin was just trying to get as many artists to work with him as he could. According to Justin, you should always go get something that you want especially in this business and you cannot take no for an answer. Although, it is really difficult to work with people who have this mentality. However, Clonefluence’s success is proof that Justin’s way of thinking has led to his success. 

Clonefluence began by just doing small promotions for underground artists. Afterward, Clonefluence was able to do promotions and market huge campaigns for mainstream artists. Today, Clonefluence has amassed a serious resume and positive audits from the music industry. In our Clonefluence review, it shows that they are mostly known for their Social Media Campaigns and Spotify Campaigns, which have tremendous results upon deeper investigation. Furthermore, the company has worked with plenty of legends including Kendrick Lamar, Riff Raff, and Uncle Murda. This is when Clonefluence turned into Justin’s fundamental priority since it was becoming quicker than any time in recent memory. 

With a mission of helping their customers make clear, lasting, and significant advancements in their careers, Clonefluence utilizes proficient marketing strategies, builds lasting personal connections, and plans social media campaigns, prominently on Spotify, to expand their customers’ reach. Clonefluence, then again, gives a platform to forthcoming and notable artists where they can grow. However, their focus relies more on taking the artists to the next level regardless of the conditions and that is the reason their team sticks out. Big on consistency, Clonefluence ensures results by focusing on new patterns and strategies that would guarantee accomplishment for their customers. 

Katie Murphy

Katie Murphy has been writing for over 6 years now. She was a professor of Science as well. She has found her solace in writing so she decided to pursue a career in writing. Her writing skills is so excellent as compared to the professional writers, so her writing skills may be confirmed independently on