Diouldé Barry on Revolutionizing the e-Commerce Industry

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It maytake many moments to jolt people out of their limitations and transform them inside out to go on to do big things in life. But for Diouldé Barry it was just one moment and that too a text message! Now for thosecurious ones who want to learn what really happenedand in the processsnag somepearls of wisdom from Barry on e-commerce and life, it’s all here. Let’s delve.

Turning challenges into opportunities

Barry encourages aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals from all walks of life to look at challenges as opportunities.“It’s not what you see but how you see that makes all the difference,” saysBarry. He talks about how one text messagechanged his perception and transformed him inside out. He shares, “I was in a real fix that day when he asked me to vacate my apartment because I didn’t have money to pay rent. Ironically, that broke moment equipped me to earn lots of money going forward. It just hit me like a lightning bolt as to how important money is. And then I just plunged right into starting my business quickly.”

Barry still has that text message from his former landlord. It continues to remind him where hehas come from and keeps him grounded. It’s his source ofdrive every time hewants to achieve something.

Since that incident, there was no looking back for Barry. He went on to become the first person in France to collaborate with a brand for an Instagram influencer promotion activity. After which people in huge numbers amassed around Barry seeking his advice on doing e-commerce the right way.

Barry owns a brand by the name Health Nutrition that has made more than 5M€. Barry even offers life motivation courses. His online course ‘Your human potential’ is already a best seller. Given his experience and proven track record in e-commerce business, Barry’s advice is well worth considering.