Alessandro Bazzoni views Africa as perfect for creating sustainable business

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One of the most prominent business coaches in the UK, Alessandro Bazzoni, who is also a noted environmental activist has reiterated his views on Africa being perfect for creation of sustainable businesses.

Similar to the views of many analysts, Alessandro Bazzoni observes that the African Continent is home to several of the world’s fastest growing economies. So, when the concept of growth arises, thoughts of sustainable development and responsible business must also be present.

“Many developing countries are beating their developed counterparts in the arena of green power generation. This raises the question of whether the green energy movement is the primary force stimulating discussions about sustainable business across Africa,” says Alessandro Bazzoni, the man who is as passionate about the environment as he is for entrepreneurship.

According to Alessandro Bazzoni’s observations, developing nations represent more than 50% of the global total of investment in renewable energy. Developing nations are energy-hungry and therefore, they are increasingly looking to renewables because of their growing affordability. In turn, this has increased the awareness and interest in renewable sources.

“With its abundant natural resources, Africa can use renewable technologies as a means of accelerating its development. Countries are now able to build their way to energy security by investing in the capacity needed to manufacture the energy sources such as wind turbines, solar cells and other sources of energy. I welcome this idea in moving towards a world which embraces and explores the renewable energy sector in all areas of development,” Alessandro Bazzoni reiterates with a hopeful smile on his face.

Alessandro Bazzoni further observes that Africa contains some of the fastest growing companies in the world. Analysts also confirm that every region on the continent has something to offer, from natural resources to human capital. They see the continent as blossoming, teeming with a rising youth population and eager to develop into a global leader.

“The discussion of sustainable business has become prominent in my international network. I see the trend toward strengthening civil society across Africa and believe that we must work together to this end, lending our voices across all sectors to deliver a cleaner world,” says Alessandro Bazzoni while talking about what the future holds for Africa in terms of sustainable energy.

Alessandro Bazzoni believes that this new paradigm requires creation of long-term practices that respect the environment, and the prospects of future generations – whilst simultaneously preserving and improving profitability.

“I am confident that we will see sustainable businesses flourish in Africa in the years to come, and I’m keen to play a role in creating win/win/win scenarios for people, planet and profit,” concludes Alessandro Bazzoni.