WannerAarts: from starting as a YouTuber to establishing himself as a leading digital marketing expert

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Wanner began his journey as a “young” entrepreneur in 2014 with the beginning of his first YouTube channel. From here, Wanner has grown into a creator, digital rights/network manager, and social media expert – attaining high levels of engagement across multiple platforms. For Wanner, work has become his playground, with new clients attracted daily by his vivacious personality, attention to detail, and sheer expertise.

Though many of us are well aware of the oft-used cliché where every cloud is expected to have a silver lining, for WannerAarts, this has come to be true.  Wanner had to spend close to a year (~9 months to be precise) on the hospital bed to course-correct medical fallacy. Subsequently, he was behind his classmates and had to suffer serious damage to his education and curriculum progression. Herein, the seeds of being a self-determined person were planted. In 2014 Wanner incorporated his Youtube channel called Minecraft. Despite having a significant following of 35k subscribers, it did not become profitable enough to sustain in the long run. With a swift change of lanes, Wanner emerged as one of the hotshots of digital marketing getting top-notch clients relying on him to grow their respective names, fames, and revenues.

Story of determination and a pinch of luck

Handling more than six media channels, Wanner is based out of Amsterdam. His commitment to work and living life to the fullest has given him both praise and recognition. ” In 2018 I continued with a licensing company that grew it by targeting to the right niches and having the knowledge on how the youtube copyright system works. Since then it increased and now, we buy and manage rights and have a team of 18 freelancers work for us daily,” says Wanner when asked about his progression to the field of digital marketing. For Wanner, it involved a high investment in time, energy, and a bit of luck. Wanner moved into the licensing business to grow into a profit-making venture. His entrepreneurial company, WannerDigital Media provides the most unique and popular video licenses for YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. At present, Wanner has come a long way from founding a simple youtube channel to a digital empire. His team of 18 freelancers all over the world produces content that has been watched for over 250,000,000 minutes of watch time purely on his content and channel. He looks forward to expanding his digital footprint and hitting the next milestone.

Lessons that can be learned

There is much to learn from a young entrepreneur like Wanner. His persistence to take charge of his destiny and defy all odds is a trait only a few can muster. Growing from a hapless and vulnerable position on a hospital bed when the rest of the world raced outside, Wanner has proved to be made of sterner stuff. Personalities like that give people hope and courage to wake up every morning and face life with a whole new level of grit and perseverance.

Wanner is hungry for knowledge and learns from people, his parents, and his friends. For Wanner, knowledge is key to gaining an edge over his competitors.