Top 5 Main Bitcoin News in 2020 (affecting the Bitcoin Price)

1. Bitcoin price suddenly soared to 27,390 USD in the official Bitcoin wallet
According to some users, they were able to sell bitcoins at such a high price, which was 4 times higher than the current Bitcoin kurs of 6700 USD.
The $ 27,390 BTC Price was the highest in the entire history of Bitcoin.
2. Next Bitcoin News Affecting Bitcoin Price: Bitcoin Halving 2020.
What is the Bitcoin Halving (Halvening)?
New bitcoins are issued by the Bitcoin network every 10 minutes. For the first four years of Bitcoin’s existence, the amount of new bitcoins issued every 10 minutes was 50. Every four years, this number is cut in half. The day the amount halves is called a “halving” or “halvening”.
In 2012, the amount of new bitcoins issued every 10 minutes dropped from 50 bitcoins to 25. In 2016, it dropped from 25 to 12.5. Now, in the 2020 halving, it will drop from 12.5 to 6.25.

3. Google’s «Bitcoin coronavirus» query set a record. Financial innovations interest humanity.
While in the world so far, alas, the incidence of coronavirus is growing, humanity continues to be interested in new financial innovations, as indicated by Google Trends.
At the same time, an interesting point is observed: those who are looking for relevant information are concerned about the Bitcoin phenomenon and the coronavirus, and as a result of such a mixed search, according to the phrase “Bitcoin coronavirus”, it not only appeared on Google Trends, but statistics surpassed the request “Bitcoin halving ”, However, interest in the Bitcoin halving certainly remains high.
4. Philip Salter: “the deeper the economic crisis, the brighter Bitcoin”
Philip Salter, operations director of mining company Genesis Mining, believes that the economic crisis can provide a powerful impetus to the growth of bitcoin price.
In recent weeks, the cryptocurrency market has been very stormy, and, according to Salter, mining companies could have contributed to the depreciation of the first cryptocurrency.
5. And the final bitcoin news affecting the price of bitcoin: «Bitcoin and Oil»
Can Bitcoin Become “New Oil”?
The Bitcoin price has regularly risen behind the rise in the price of a barrel of oil.
A strong correlation of bitcoin with the rise or fall of oil prices begins to be traced, which raises the question: is bitcoin “new oil”?