Palm Beach County School Board Member Karen Brill Announces Acceptance into the 2019 Leadership Florida Education Class

Published by Katie Murphy on

Karen Brill

Karen Brill, School Board Member and candidate for Palm Beach County Commission District 5 announces her acceptance into the 5th Annual Leadership Florida Education Class. Brill was among 41 other accomplished Florida leaders in education to be selected from a competitive pool of applicants.

The Leadership Florida Education Class program comprehensively examines Florida’s K-12 education from international, national and statewide perspectives for the purpose of advancing K-12 outcomes in Florida. 

Since 2010, Karen Brill has helped lead the Palm Beach County School District’s budget and policymaking decisions. Brill played a pivotal role in the change to include students with disabilities in the general education classroom in the Palm Beach County School District. She was also instrumental in the creation of the district’s Inclusion Plan which later became the model for the State of Florida’s Department of Education. Additionally, Brill is the go-to-person district-wide for families and educators regarding Exceptional Student Education when problems arise or assistance is needed. 

“I am honored to be a part of the 2019 Leadership Florida Education program and join such a prestigious group of Florida’s leaders in education,” said Brill. “I’m excited to listen to new ideas, discuss innovative solutions, and collaborate on ways to make a positive impact on education and our local communities. Working together is key to understanding issues and solving problems; it’s how I’ve worked to improve educational systems and outcomes while serving on our School Board, and it’s how I’ll continue addressing issues important to Palm Beach County as County Commissioner for District 5.”

Brill became passionate about education when her son with Autism was turned away in Kindergarten from his home school being told “we don’t take children like that.” “An advocate was born the day I heard those words. When I could not access the services he needed locally, I got involved to improve the system.  Later, I became involved with the State and Federal Departments of Education.”

“My goal is to continue to serve and positively impact my community,” concluded Brill. 

Karen Brill filed to run for Palm Beach County Commission in the August 2020 election to put her experience and leadership to work for the residents of District 5. District 5 is an open seat since Commissioner Mary Lou Berger has termed out. 

The Leadership Florida Education program includes accomplished superintendents, school board members, principals, teachers, state education department professionals, education foundation representatives, association leaders, business partners and other public officials. Over the course of eight months, the class members intensively focus on the opportunities and challenges associated with making Florida the number one state in the country for public education.

The Leadership Florida Education program has been made possible through a unique partnership between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Helios Foundation, the Florida Education Foundation, the Florida Department of Education, and PNC Bank endowing Leadership Florida with new resources to create and produce this program. This partnership recognizes Leadership Florida’s unique position as the state’s most respected non-partisan convener of leaders on critical issues facing Florida’s future. Each organization recognizes that no issue is more important than education – an education that enhances the opportunity for all young people to have the life they deserve. We welcome you to follow Brill at or contact her at 

Katie Murphy

Katie Murphy has been writing for over 6 years now. She was a professor of Science as well. She has found her solace in writing so she decided to pursue a career in writing. Her writing skills is so excellent as compared to the professional writers, so her writing skills may be confirmed independently on