Milan Hightower talks about his new single, “Feelings” and the Story behind it

Published by Greg Read on

Sometimes musicians get inspirations from whatever they are going through in their personal lives, and artistically put it in their songs. These kinds of songs resonate well with listeners, as they become emotionally involved. It is this same principle that North Carolina’s native Milan Hightower applies in his new song ‘Feelings.’

While speaking with Good Peoplez Radio last month, Milan talks about the challenges he was going through in his life. These feelings of hurt that hed had driven him to compose lyrics for his new single, Feelings, released on April 2020. He wanted to prove that he got talent, and wasn’t just a pop artist, as some purport.

“I feel like most of the time people hear my older music, they may not understand GeeT or that Milan could actually rap. I’m kind of tapping more into showing people that I can rap, make a great club song, or make a vibe, or something like that. More so like rapping, and that’s why Feelings came from a point to where I had just lost a friendship, through a horrible accident. Passed away,” he said.

“That came from being hurt. I just started writing, and many things were going on at that time for me. I just wanted to release a song on how I was feeling, and stuff like that. Just tapping basis and feelings,” he added.

Milan also touched on how his music has evolved, and now focuses more on having jams that had meaning. Songs that fans could connect to, especially after receiving some criticism for his previous jams.

“I’ve been doing music a while, so it started from a time when I was starting, when I was young, to where I was writing because I wanted to be a rapper. Then I just started making music because I knew I was good at it, to now I’m doing it to show people that I can do it. That’s where the music is coming from.”

More of Milan Hightower’s recent releases are available for streaming and download on all major music platforms.

Greg Read

Greg Read is an english poet, playwriter and actor. He has written many poems and short stories. He completed MBA in finance. He has worked for a reputed bank as a manager. Greg has found his passion to write and express, that is why he has decided to become an author. Now he is working on Globe Stats website as a freelance news writer.