DJ and Emcee Khushboo Kapoor is promoting India’s Tourism at the Global level

One of the most sought after name of the Industry is Dr Khushboo Kapoor who is the only Female DJ and Emcee of India who has been covered by International Magazine Femina for its cover story.
Recently , Dr Khushboo Kapoor has been invited by the Northern Cyprus Tourism Board and Ministry of Antalya Tourism to visit their countries and to promote tourism of India. She has been invited by Tourism Boards of Albania & Balkan Countries in 2019 in International Tourism Fair at Tirana. She has been invited to Rome, Italy by the Tourism Board of Rome at the event Borsa Del Matrimonio in March 2019. She has been invited as a Speaker at TAAI, Travel Agents Association of India event at Kunming,China in 2019.

She has been hosted at Ljubljana, Slovenia at International Golf Tourism Mart-in Oct 2018. In 2017, Dr. Khushboo Kapoor was invited to Doha’s Bollywood Festival at Doha, Qatar and at TAAI International Conference in Istanbul, Turkey in 2017. She has been invited to Algarve, Portugal at International Tourism Conference Connections 2018. She represented India at MIS 2018 in Madrid, Spain.
She has been invited to promote Tourism of India at TTG Rimini in Italy 2018 and 2017 respectively. She represented India at Athens Tourism Expo at Athens in Greece in 2017. She has been invited as a Special Guest at International Conference, Buy Tuscany at Florence, Italy in 2018.
Dr. Khushboo Kapoor has been hosted in Turkey by Travelshop Turkey International Conference in Istanbul. She has been invited to UFTAA International Conference as a Speaker in Abu Dhabi in 2017 Dr. Khushboo Kapoor has been the official Compere for Champions League 20 20 and One day International Cricket Tournaments of BCCI. She has delivered 1500 + Voiceovers to various Television and Radio Advertisements. She has been invited to TAIPIE, TAIWAN, at Rajasthan Festival of Arts at Hongkong, on New Year’s Eve in Sohar, Oman and at NAYPIDAW, Myanmar for the promotion of Indian Music.

Dr. Khushboo Kapoor is now all set to rule the music industry as a Singer in April 2020. For more updates, keep a check on her social media platforms.