D.ai.sy Crowdfunding Triumph Marks New Era in Peer-to-Peer Economy with Upcoming Innovations and Global Expansion

D.ai.sy, in partnership with Endotech, has announced the successful conclusion of its crowdfunding campaign, establishing it as the most successful global crowdfunding project to date. This achievement follows three years of dedicated efforts, culminating on February 21st with the final funding round, which has set D.ai.sy apart from other peer-to-peer initiatives that rely solely on continuous inflows of capital.

In a demonstration of its commitment to transparency and integrity, D.ai.sy has enabled members to fully withdraw their balances from its live trading platform, a move that contrasts sharply with the fate of many similar projects that vanish without fulfilling their promises. The platform has sustained a robust community of 240,000 members and has provided consistent weekly returns over the past three years.

Looking to the future, D.ai.sy has announced the launch of a new Fund in September, exclusively available to its existing members. This fund will allow for a six-month period of compounded returns before transitioning to a structure with reduced performance fees akin to those charged by traditional hedge funds, along with flexible withdrawal terms.

D.ai.sy’s ongoing innovation is driven by its smart contract engine, which facilitates a sustainable peer-to-peer model for generating passive income, independent of new capital inflows. This model aligns with D.ai.sy’s ethos of pioneering unique solutions in the financial space.

The company also unveiled its rebranding as “Limitless” during the Limitless 2024 event in Dubai, which was attended by over 5,000 participants. Additionally, the founders introduced Blockchain Sports (BCS), a new venture poised to transform the sports industry, beginning with football. Valued at over 1 billion USD prior to its official launch, BCS has secured partnerships with more than 50 football legends and features significant technological advancements. Members are given a six-month engagement period ahead of the venture’s official rollout.

High anticipation surrounds D.ai.sy’s forthcoming event in Las Vegas this August, where the company is expected to reveal its most ambitious project yet, likely to redefine the direct sales landscape and establish new benchmarks for the peer-to-peer economy.