Calvin Lo offers best return on investments: And all are not financial Thoughtful acquisitions & peace of mind

It is onerous to describe an attribute of a thought leader like Hong Kong-based Calvin Lo. An astute CEO of multi-national securities firm R E Lee International, his pleasant demeanor is understandable. He assists HNW clients to grow more than wealth. He is a global leader with uncanny expertise in insurance, brokerage, and asset management. His deep knowledge and guidance offer peace of mind to any sophisticated financial needs of rich clients.
Calvin’s basic grasp of money matters in volatile and normal times places him as a critical human asset to business empires across Vancouver, Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong. His advice is recession proof and structured goals bolsters the required confidence in dealing with him.
We present a profile view of the insurance magnet, Moghul or billionaire with amazing qualities to assemble credible portfolios.
The growth story
No company rises up the corporate ladder without gainful research and analytics. They comprise the two important elements which are instrumental in making R E Lee International a leading enterprise in the global sector. The business may be family owned but Calvin Lo has been an innovative leader in shaping the fortunes of the company. He triggers new trends on several fronts associated with financial tools and insights that make him popular with his global clients. He knows how to guide the investors in emerging markets, the challenges that they could face and to appropriately positon their portfolios. Calvin’s growth story is linked to trusted advice and wealth management solutions with careful consideration. It is a single reason why his company enjoys ever lasting relationships with several investors. His forward thinking and innovative methods continue to lead the growth trajectory of his company.
Importance of reaching humanitarian goals
Growing and protecting wealth is not the sole goal for high net worth investors. Planning for estate is equally a challenge unless the right guidance comes along. This is where Calvin scores. He is not just one of the wealthiest insurance executives in Hong Kong. His three charities based out of Cayman Islands establish a full circle with unique corporate responsibility. As one of the low key donors in the fight against COVID 19, he still feels it is necessary to give back to society… but in privacy. Very few Asian charity foundations have been able to attain the success achieved by this not-so anonymous donor. With now Calvin’s donations in home city and Taiwan for the under privileged he can no longer roam the streets unrecognized. As a large-hearted philanthropist, he spent US$8 million in Wuhan the hub of the virus. An additional 300,000 masks and 20,000 bottles of hand sanitizers were distributed in the city. About US$5 million has been invested in New York for ventilators in various hospitals.
Being human secretively
This is payback time for many business leaders, and the same is the case with Calvin Lo. The pandemic is urging his instincts once again to contribute to society. Globally as a thought leader he knows the goals are now diverting to examine methods of screening, research and treatments to stop corona virus from taking more lives. The CEO knows this is the time for asset management as business risks for clients develop due to weakening economies. He is once again trending for deep knowledge to build around thoughtful acquisitions, OPEX and CAPEX investment plans. Rising tall in the crisis, aids his team to address the risks for wealthy clients. As a leader is geared to provide solutions that will enable his clients to emerge unscathed. Calvin is acheiving this very privately and secretly. What can be appreciated about this man in the times of crisis is his resilience to adapt to the challenging situations.
There is much to learn from the CEO-cum charitable donor. One thing that we have grasped is that wealth is not all. There is much more to it and Calvin Lo has revealed the path less travelled through his knowledge and deep insight. As they say, fortune favors the brave, so be it with this angel guide and investor in humanity.