Aesthetician and Entrepreneur Holly Cutler on The Importance of Purpose

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?
After struggling with my own skin for years, I found an incredible aesthetician who was able to resolve the worst of my cystic acne and set me on the path to feeling confident in myself. I realized there was a huge opportunity in this space to change lives, and I knew I could innovate on existing treatments and concepts to have an even greater impact.
What’s your definition of success?
It’s not about the numbers for me. That’s not what I strive for and it’s not what’s important to me. Success to me is doing and being better than I was yesterday. It’s about growing. I don’t compare myself to anyone else, only to myself. Success is also about enjoying the journey and having a spiritual foundation to everything you do.
If you could start over, what would you do differently?
I would have managed my stress better. It takes such a toll on all aspects of your life, especially your health and relationships. I would’ve had more faith that even in the face of extreme challenges, things would work out. And I would’ve spent more time with my husband and kids.
Be sure to follow Holly on Instagram and Facebook.