A NRI junior Scientist Indrajeet Prasad is helping Indian Students to find best scholarships in Europe using social media

Published by Katie Murphy on

“You don’t need a fortune to study abroad” – Indrajeet Prasad, a NRI junior Scientist is helping Indian students to study in Europe using social media

Studying abroad at higher education level is a dream for many Indian nationals but financial limitations curb the dreams of the most deserving and ambitious students.  

Indrajeet Prasad was raised by a middle class family in Kolkata and a dreamt of studying abroad one day. After finishing an engineering degree in India, he was presented with an opportunity in 2011 to travel to Poland to study and pursue his dream. Today, he works as a Junior Scientist on a European Commission HORIZON 2020 research project entitled ‘AVA: Accelerators Validating Antimatter Physics’. This research consortium contains 11 of the most prestigious and best research institutions in the world including CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) in Switzerland, the University of Liverpool in the UK and GSI in Germany, amongst others. Mr. Prasad is based in Prague, Czech Republic and works at FOTON, s.r.o. where he is designing and building a novel high precision power supply to be tested for accelerator applications at CERN.  

Recently, Mr. Prasad started helping Indian students to find scholarship opportunities at top universities. His working experience of the European Commission’s research program has made him aware of the various EU opportunities available for international students. He is using Instagram @its_prasad_official (https://www.instagram.com/its_prasad_official) to connect with Indian students and provide them with free information about scholarship opportunities available for Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Europe. Earlier this year, he made a YouTube channel @its_prasad_official to reach more students using video content and has created a few videos (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F48ohCCpZVW-3iEg6InOA ) to discuss the scholarship opportunities available for aspiring students which have received wide appreciation by the Indian student community.  

“I was in their shoes only a decade ago,” says Mr. Prasad. “I was also trying to find the best university abroad to study at which wouldn’t cost me a fortune. I did not have huge amounts of financial support or receive much information about higher education abroad, so it took me a lot of time and effort to finally achieve my goal.”

“Now I have reached a point in my career where I can share my experiences and knowledge to help Indian students. A lot of deserving students stop chasing their dream after seeing the hurdles involved in pursuing higher studies abroad but this is caused by misinformation. So I started reaching out to students and advising them through Instagram, which is one of the most popular social media platforms used by students.”

“I speak to students through live Instagram sessions to answer their queries, connect them to available scholarship opportunities, give them a real view of a students’ life and their expenses. All of this information has helped a few students find the best EU universities in to their field of studies,” said Mr. Prasad. 

Through his work on social media, Mr. Prasad is providing a powerful platform for free information that is helping Indian students to accelerate their careers in the right direction. He wants them to succeed in their professional life to create a better India and a better world.  

EU research project link: http://www.ava-project.eu

EU research project video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXu06zZhgoo

About Indrajeet:



LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/indrajeetprasad/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/its_prasad_official/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5F48ohCCpZVW-3iEg6InOA 

Article Curtsey – https://in.style.yahoo.com/don-t-fortune-study-abroad-053856778.html

Katie Murphy

Katie Murphy has been writing for over 6 years now. She was a professor of Science as well. She has found her solace in writing so she decided to pursue a career in writing. Her writing skills is so excellent as compared to the professional writers, so her writing skills may be confirmed independently on globestats.com