3 Very British Activities to Do on Your Next UK Visit

Published by Greg Read on

When it comes to places to visit, the United Kingdom ranks amongst the popular holiday destinations in the world. Although the number of inbound visitors in 2018 fell 3.34% to 37.9 million, the UK remains a regular feature in the top ten of the world’s most visited destinations. This, of course, despite the weather!

If you are lucky enough to visit the UK, like with any country, it’s always a good idea to go and see or do something native and unique to that country. Be it bull fighting in Mexico (if that really is your thing) or the tomato festivals of Spain and Italy, there are always activities that can give a wonderfully special experience you would never find elsewhere. Here are 3 very British activities to do on your next UK visit.

  1. Morris Dancing

Morris Dancing is where men and women dress up in white flower laden smocks and perform an old form of English folk dance. It’s usually accompanied by much stick, sword and handkerchief waving along with some music usually an accordion.  Originating from the European courts of the fifteenth century, it can be found on village greens dotted around the English countryside on Summer weekends

2. Play Bingo

Bingo is one the UK’s favourite leisure activities.  Thousands of people of all ages attend bingo halls up and down the country, and online bingo is one of the most popular activities in the UK. Gone are the days of boring and quiet evenings surrounded by pensioners, in are wild and wacky bingo games fused with comedy, dance music and large amounts of mayhem. Not your typical British evening, but an unexpectedly unforgettable very British experience and one not reliant upon the notorious British weather. There’s also the quintessential British evening of Bingo and Fish and Chips on National Fish and Chips day. Two British icons together. Could you ask for more?

3. Visit the Seaside

As the song says, “Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside! I do like to be beside the sea!” and for a reason. If you are lucky enough to visit the UK in the Summer, there is nothing more British than spending a day by the sea. Visiting any one of Britain’s hundreds of seaside resorts – playing the penny arcades, walking along a windswept beach and eating fish and chips could only be more British if accompanied by Her Majesty the Queen herself.

Categories: Travel

Greg Read

Greg Read is an english poet, playwriter and actor. He has written many poems and short stories. He completed MBA in finance. He has worked for a reputed bank as a manager. Greg has found his passion to write and express, that is why he has decided to become an author. Now he is working on Globe Stats website as a freelance news writer.