Top 5 High-fiber Cereals for Gut Health That are Superfoods for Breakfast

Published by Shivani Bhore on

It need both kinds of fibre to keep the intestines healthy. They encourage regular bowel movements, guard against constipation, and nourish the gut’s good flora. Short-chain fatty acids, which are produced by these bacteria, have been demonstrated to lower inflammation and maintain the integrity of the intestinal barrier. Selecting cereals that are high in fibre can have a big impact on your digestive system’s health.

Bran flakes: There’s a reason why bran flakes are a classic choice. They have a very high fibre content since they are made from the outer layer of wheat kernels. They are a great way to increase your daily intake of fibre, as a normal serving has about 7 grammes of it. Iron and B vitamins are among the vital vitamins and minerals that can be found in bran flakes.

Oatmeal: Rich in soluble fibre, especially beta-glucan, muesli is a flexible food. It has been demonstrated that this kind of fibre enhances intestinal health by encouraging the development of good bacteria. Furthermore, beta-glucan has the ability to regulate blood sugar and reduce cholesterol. Add fruits, nuts, or seeds to your muesli for an extra burst of fibre.

Whole grain cereals: Cereals derived from barley, brown rice, and quinoa are great providers of soluble and insoluble fibre. These cereals can be eaten with milk or yoghurt and frequently come in different forms, such as flakes and puffs. Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that promote general health are also abundant in whole grains.

Psyllium husk cereals: Psyllium husk is a powerful source of soluble fibre. Psyllium husk-containing cereals are especially helpful for people who experience irregular or constipated bowel motions. Up to 10 grammes of fibre can be found in a serving of psyllium husk cereal, which makes a substantial contribution to your daily intake.

Muesli: A combination of entire grains, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits, muesli is a high-fiber breakfast choice. The blend of components guarantees a variety of soluble and insoluble fibre, as well as protein and good fats. Muesli can be soaked for a softer texture and served cold with milk or yoghurt.