Today’s Doodle Celebrates Jamaica Independence Day 2021

The present Doodle observes Jamaica’s Independence Day, a yearly occasion that celebrates the Caribbean island’s foundation as a sovereign country on this day in 1962. Following the section of enactment that made freedom official, Jamaica lifted its public banner interestingly.

Portrayed in the Doodle fine art, the Jamaican banner is the lone banner on the planet that isn’t decorated with red, white, or blue. All things being equal, the public image includes a brilliant cross in the middle, making two dark and two green triangles. This particular plan was picked in a public challenge and acquired this banner the moniker “The Cross.” The banner’s tones have their own representative implications: green addresses the Jamaican island itself, gold represents the sun that sparkles onto it, and dark connotes the people groups’ solidarity even with difficulty.

Happy Jamaican Independence Day!