Soon, Android users will be able to check their battery health the just like iPhone users can

Replacing the battery in your phone is often necessary to keep it operating effectively for years to come. Over time, phone batteries degrade, causing your phone to run out of power more quickly. Because it’s difficult to determine how much life a battery still has, it might be difficult to decide when to replace it. There are apps that can give you a general idea, but they take a long time to work out, and there are also unreliable third-party apps that you shouldn’t rely on for security. Because iPhone users have a specialized feature for battery health, Android users face a significant issue. However, Google is now developing a fix for Android users as well.

In a report published by the Android Authority, it is stated that Google began setting the stage for battery status display in Android 14 and is now intending to expand on this feature with Android 15, among other future releases.

Google introduced a new tab named “battery information” in the phone settings with the December update for Pixel phones. This page provides you with the date of manufacture and the number of charges your battery has received. Furthermore, Google has included several new tools with Android 14 that might provide further helpful information on the phone’s battery, such as when you first started using it, how it charges, and its current condition. Google intends to include a specific “battery health feature” that will inform you of the condition of your battery in addition to all of the above.

According to reports, Google intends to add a feature to Android phones that will display battery status in the settings. The update centers on Google’s attempts to clearly show battery health through a recent upgrade to the Settings Services app, which manages a number of features on Pixel and some other devices, as mentioned in the report. This program updates independently of Android upgrades, however it soon will have battery health monitoring as well. As per the publication’s source, the app has some hidden hints regarding a new ‘battery health’ page within the Settings app. This page will display the approximate percentage of charge the battery can hold at present as compared to when it was new.

Notably, the battery health settings page is not yet functional. To test the feature, though, it was manually enabled and made visible under Settings > Battery. For the time being, the function just alerts users to the fact that “batteries degrade over time and last fewer hours between charges.” However, in the upcoming weeks, it is anticipated to offer more detailed information regarding battery health.

It’s interesting to note that Google has already expressed interest in providing options specifically related to battery health. Google attempted something similar in October 2022 with Android 13, planning to add a section on Pixel phones that was exclusively focused on battery health. Unfortunately, testing was not conducted on this functionality. But it appears that Google is shifting its attention to a new alternative that may be available on different kinds of devices and go beyond Pixel phones.