Prevalence, cause, and treatments of prostate enlargement

Published by Anouk Brabaum on

The recent publishedin the British Medical Journal study involved 5888 participants aged 50 years and older in China, who showed that the prevalence of symptoms of urination due to an enlarged prostate was about 15%.This is significantly less than in the United States, where the number of men who suffer from prostate enlargement at the same age exceeds 50%.

Just like in the United States, a Chinese study showed a trend towards an increase in prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). However, the rate varied according to marital status, socioeconomic status and geographical region.

The cause of prostate enlargement

Non-malignant prostate tissue growth starts because of changes at the capillary level. Indeed, these changes in microcirculation of blood lead to the expansion of capillaries, which is the basis of angiogenesis and new tissue growth.

The initial triggers of this pathological activity of capillaries can be a cold, infection or stress. With age, they create a constant trigger inside the prostate gland – the focus of hypothermia. This trigger is responsible for additional angiogenesis and pressure inside the affected prostate.

Other theories for prostate enlargement are vague. The theory that aging men, testosterone is responsible for the enlargement of the prostate, is questionable, since castrated boys do not develop BPH as they grow older.

Standard treatments do not treat the cause of BPH

BPH drugs do not treat the cause of prostate enlargement. Alpha blockers relax the muscles of the bladder, allowing urine to flow more easily. 5-alpha-reductase, an intracellular enzymeconverts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. These drugs are linked to serious side effects: headache, dizziness, hair loss, sexual dysfunction, impotence, depression, testicle pain, and even diabetes.

Minimally invasive surgical procedures simply remove part of the prostate gland. These operations are responsible for irreversiblehealth conditions that causer depression in almost 25% of men undergoing surgery. Thus, BPH drugs and surgery should be used carefully.

Dr Allen’s Device diminishes LUTS improving men’s well-being

Dr Allen’s device and Thermobalancing therapy is a patented treatment. This unique therapy improves blood circulation in the prostate tissue, byusing natural energy of the own men’s body.This energy eliminates the focus of hypothermia in the tissuetreating the cause of BPH.

Fine Treatment manufacturer and distributor of wearable Dr. Allen’s Device. The device can be received by anyone around the world with guaranteed delivery for less than $ 200.Every man who has LUTS due to BPH can use the device without worrying, since the therapy is safe.

A clinical study on Thermobalancing therapy has confirmed its effectiveness for men with BPH, and many scientific articles have been published in leading scientific journals.For ten years, Dr Allen’s device has been used successfully by thousands of men with BPH in more than 100 countries.