Olumide Gbenro Is Creating Platforms That Solves The Needs Of Digital Nomads

Published by Derek Robins on

Digital nomads are location independent entrepreneurs, who can work on multiple projects from anywhere in the world. These types of professionals are starting to become trends as we enter a new decade.

In an ever changing world, where industries are learning to adapt to new technology, office space has also changed. Remote work has become possible in many offices throughout the world, as many workers only need good Internet connection and a computer to do their work.

A great example of what it is to be a successful digital nomad is Olumide Gbenro, also known as The @Globopreneur, a serial entrepreneur, businessman, and one of the main actors responsible for ensuring this important community of digital nomads continues to grow.

In fact, Mr. Gbenro is the founder of The Digital Nomad Summit, which is “growing the largest community of location independent entrepreneurs in the world.”

They are organizing a Digital Nomad Summit to take place in Bali, Indonesia in June 2020, where hundreds of location independent entrepreneurs can meet and connect.

Mr. Gbenro’s entire life has always been of a nomadic nature. He has constantly moved around and lived in multiple places. By the time he was 13, he had already lived in three different continents. Because of this he is a multilingual entrepreneur. Therefore, when he was thinking of business, he always thought globally.

“In my adult life I have had the chance to do marketing for globally recognized companies from Germany, Mexico, Nigeria and South Africa. Before starting Digital Nomad Summit, I focused on marketing and community building for multimillion dollar valued companies across the globe,” the Globoprenuer shares.

Mr. Genbro believes in the power of preparation and in the influence of surroundings in order to achieve success. It was precisely his upbringing that in many ways mentored and influenced him growing up.

“I think finding the right mentors and examples of success in your niche is extremely important. Why suffer stumbling around for a few years when you can go to people who have already been successful and learn from them. My life changed when I did this,” he shares.

In fact, Mr. Gbenro did not fear becoming a digital nomad, what he feared was not having enough preparation to do so. He did not lack the mindset, but he feared not being able to perform when he had to. That is why he has been working on improving his skills, obtaining the necessary resources and preparing all the time, in order to be ready when the time comes.

Success to Olumide Gbenro is to provide support to people. Moreover, it is those skills, resources and preparation that he has been able to learn and obtain that he now wants to provide to Digital Nomads all over the world.

Because it is true, who would not love working from their laptop while at the beach or in a coworking space somewhere in the world. It is actually through location independent entrepreneurship that Mr. Gbenro also founded Globo Water.