Maria Jones shares her thoughts on what 2020 has taught entrepreneurs globally

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2020 hit us in the head like a sock full of wet sand. Or did it? The year has become a kaleidoscope of perspectives. For some it’s been a delayed Mayan doomsday prophecy, for some a time for repose, and for others a time to contemplate and reflect. The perspective you adopt, or which adopts you now will indeed be your stepping stone to 2021. For Maria Jones, one of the most recognized people in the world of blockchain and IT, 2020 will go down in history as the time when self-introspection and self-growth became indispensable.

Maria Jones is a worldwide special guest and public speaker who is often a celebrated guest at international events like Davos World Economic Forum, Forbes Women’s Summit, Money2020, and others. 2020 was as unexpected for her as it was for most people around the world. Her choice to deal with it, however, was expected from someone of her caliber. “The Blockchain Woman” chose to use time constructively while suggesting her 600K Instagram followers and 4K Twitter fans to do the same. “Time is a magic currency, which until the pandemic was in short supply for all. This is especially true of working professionals who were constantly trying to build a bridge between their personal and professional lives. But the pandemic has as if leveled the playing field of time. With cutbacks on travel and a great reduction in the volume of work, generally speaking, gave the time-starved among us a breather. Sure, this respite rode on the back of a pandemic, but it did indeed gave us ample time to tie loose-ends, weigh possibilities, allay inconsequential fears, and assess past mistakes.”

Maria is an optimist by choice. As an international figure, she has dealt with people of all kinds, which is to say, ideas of all kinds. And the ones that she found common between countries and people, divided, otherwise by great miles, were ones of internal introspection and self-empowerment. These she attempts to employ in her life especially while encouraging women to enter the world of blockchain. Maria believes that one’s fate is one’s choice. Stressing on the need for self-growth in the present uncertain time she says, “Keep learning. Take your time to get to know yourself (your dreams, your career desires, your family goals, what do you want, your fears, your strengths) and listen to your INTUITION, listen to your HEART.” For Maria, “self-growth is an eternal process. Learning never ceases. Everything you learn is a step added in the ladder that stretches to your goal.”

Categories: Business