Interview with Digital Marketing Expert: Max Weiss

Published by Greg Read on

I am an IT-related person, and I do see people online how they work, especially in digital marketing. I know the sing fact, and that is content is king in today’s digital world, and it will grow more in the coming time with the internet is spreading at many places worldwide.

As a blogger, I know that content plays a vital role in today’s digital world, especially in digital marketing. But I also want to understand how digital marketing works and how and experts does his work. For that, I did an online interview with the fabulous young talent name “Max weiss” founder of “Weiss Consulting & Marketing” from Munich.

Small brief on Max Weiss, he is a rising star of digital marketing. He is young and very passionate about digital marketing. He has experienced more than a decade in digital marketing.

Now let us tell you all how Max Weiss answers our questions on digital marketing.

Why Weiss Consulting & Marketing:

Max Weiss: I started a company a few years back as I knew the fact that people believe in companies, not in the individual. TO grow as an expert, I should have my own brand, so started Weiss Consulting and Marketing. I had helped individuals and companies when they need SEO, SMM, Content related, Video marketing, reports related work.
Being a best Digital Marketer from Munich:

Max Weiss: Well, it all started as fun when I was a kid But after some time, I understood the importance of digital marketing, so I continued working on it, and here I am today. Started as an SEO/Content executive, and when I was able to deliver results, it boosted me, and I started to learn about all the corners of digital marketing.Are you happy name you are gaining as a digital marketing expert?

Max Weiss: To be honest, I’m happy with the way things have shaped up in my efforts. Be it Weiss Consulting & Marketing or Digital Scholar; I’m fortunate that they have been successful.

As for my best performance, I hope it’ll be whatever I plan next! I don’t plan on stopping my digital journey anytime soon!

Your Future Planning.
Max Weiss: As a professional, I’d say I aim to push the envelope in terms of digital marketing solutions for branding.

There are so many things which are still going to come, and the scene is ever-changing and evolving. If I can further the influence of digital marketing to as many personalities out there as possible, I consider that a success.

Greg Read

Greg Read is an english poet, playwriter and actor. He has written many poems and short stories. He completed MBA in finance. He has worked for a reputed bank as a manager. Greg has found his passion to write and express, that is why he has decided to become an author. Now he is working on Globe Stats website as a freelance news writer.