How to become active daily

Published by Raeesa Sayyad on

Yamily Benigni is a food blogger who shares her healthy recipes to help people live a lighter life.

She became one of the most followed influencers on Instagram in Brazil after losing 20 kg herself and completed her first half-marathon.

Today she is telling us how she keeps active to be healthy.

1 – Reduce driving and ride more

The best and easier way to keep active is to reduce your driving and ride a bike often. If you live near your gym or like to go to the market, think about riding more your bike to burn some calories and do some outdoor cardio. You will be amazed by the results.

2 – Try to walk at least 6.000 steps a day

If you monitor your steps, you may see that some days you are not walking enough. If that is the case, try to increase to 6.000 steps every day until you build up to 10.000 steps per day.

3 – Change the elevator for stairs

If you work on the 7th floor of a building, for example, try to take the elevator to the 5th floor, this way you can use the stair up to the 7th floor of your office. Then, every day tries to increase the steps, by leaving on the 4th, next week 3rd floor, after one month you will be able to use the stairs until your 7th floor without even get tired.

4 – Work on a standing desk

In the beginning, it can be hard, but a standing desk could help you improve your cardio and make you move involuntarily.

5 – Sit less move more

If you prefer sitting, try to change your chair for an exercise ball. It may help with your core as you have to keep your balance all the time.

You can also find Yamily on Instagram @yamilybenigni