How to Become a Financial Director?

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Supervise, depending on the groups, the internal control team and participate in the implementation of new standards and regulations (SOX, LSF, IAS / IFRS, etc.). He is responsible for participating in the definition of the company’s strategy (and its operational version), leading financial communication and relations with shareholders and investors and supervising internal audit (even if this department is often directly attached to General Management), legal and fiscal affairs, human resources management and general services.

Traditionally a business school graduate or with a higher level of university education , the Group Financial Director has often completed his initial training in order to acquire technical accounting and financial expertise via a higher accounting diploma.. In large groups, this function is conventionally accessed through several professions, such as the position of Financial Controller of subsidiaries or Director of Management Control, but also sometimes through the position of Director of Internal Audit or Director of Accounts. It can also be noted that in listed companies, the CFO has often had prior experience in an investment bank or a FD Capital type audit firm. It is necessary for the Group Chief Financial Officer to go beyond the technical skills related to his function in finance and to demonstrate interpersonal skills, a strong sensitivity to the economic activity of the company and a long-term vision. .

The variable portion has undergone significant development in recent years, reaching from 15% to 30% of the base salary; the envelope can also be supplemented by other advantages of the type company vehicle, stock options, hat retirement… You wish to know the criteria, which determine the amount appearing on the pay, slip of an administrative and financial director? Discover our article dedicated to the salary of the CFO.

Responsible for the financial management of a company, the chief financial officer (CFO) occupies a strategic position within the undertaking. What is the typical profile expected in terms of training and experience? What technical and professional skills are required for this position? What are the main missions of a CFO within the company? Quick overview of the job of financial director. Indispensable within the company (SME or large company), the CFO is in constant contact with the various partners of a company and coordinates the relations between them. He therefore supervises several areas of the company:

Financial: a leading player in the field of cash management, the creation of provisional budgets or financial statements and the implementation of management control tools, it oversees financial management and accounting services.

If the bac +5 level diploma is essential, the most sought-after training courses remain the course in a major business school, the higher diploma in accounting and management (DSCG) and the professional master’s degree in Accounting Control Audit (CCA).

In addition to his complete mastery of financial, accounting and tax techniques and his ability to use IT management tools, the CFO has solid skills to lead and decide. His ability to anticipate and his sense of negotiation are also important assets. With great interpersonal skills and a good command of professional English, he is able to communicate effectively with various stakeholders in the company and unite a team around a common objective such as the development of a financial business plan.