How Money Pug Saves Customers from the Consumer Trap

For years, customers have been trapped into an endless cycle of buying and renewing with retailers and insurance providers who lead them to believe they can opt-out at any time. The power, however, has been very much with providers who have made it increasingly difficult for customers to resist the consumer trap that has been laid before them, forcing their hands into conforming and accepting the price and service they are told to, even if better is out there.
That, however, is changing with the emergence of Money Pug as a big-time player in the price comparison industry. The website, founded in 2018 by social media expert Lee Whitbread, offers customers an easy to navigate means of comparing the price of services, from insurance to broadband and more.
Security and Convenience
All customers have to do is fill in one form, taking just a couple of minutes, with their details that will then be used to seek the best offering based on each individual case. This means not jumping from provider to provider to tally up costs and, in doing so, running the risk of forgetting exactly what is offered and the associated premiums in the process.
In line with GDPR regulations, customer’s data is only passed on with the express permission of the consumer and companies’ may only get in contact if the user has opted in…and only by the means they have deemed acceptable. Even if a provider has offered a fantastic deal via Money Pug, the power remains with the consumer to pursue it – meaning that the power is 100% in the hands of the customer, which is exactly as it should be.
Why Money Pug?
There are other price comparison websites operating in the industry that are, at least right now, much more household names than that of Money Pug. However, the growth that Whitbread’s baby (or should we say puppy) has seen over 100,000 unique users visit the website, converting almost exclusively from social media alone. With a reach of more than 10 million users across a week, and more Twitter followers (104,000) than established sites such asGoCompare (22,900), Comparethemarket (7,242) and (53,000) together, it’s clear to see where the future is.
The brand’s family-friendly tone of voice mixed with its unique approach to social media makes it the go-to comparison site for the digital age due to its relatability to Millennials. As one himself, at the tender age of 32, Whitbread is in the best position to create a product that answers the needs of the generation that has already been the catalyst for mass change in society.
Scratch beneath the surface of Money Pug’s fun approach and you will find a service that is indispensable to anyone who has found it difficult managing money and getting the biggest bang for their buck. A loyal base of social followers already knows to turn to Money Pug when it is time to renew their insurance, book a holiday or shop for a new phone.
Fighting the Corner of the Customer
As is normally the case, you might expect it to be the customer’s pocket that the finances come from in order to fund such a venture. That is where you would be wrong as it is the providers that pay their way to feature on Money Pug. The customer, therefore, reaps the benefits of the very best price on the market without paying anything extra for the privilege.
The days where businesses held the upper-hand are over and it is now time for the underdog to reign supreme.