Google Maps Now Stores Your Device’s Location History Locally

Google Maps is implementing a major update to its privacy settings that will alter the way that user location data is handled.

The trip-tracking tool, which was once called “Location History” and is now called “Timeline,” will no longer keep data on the cloud server associated with Google accounts.

It will now save the data locally on users’ devices instead.

This action, which was first disclosed in December 2023, is a continuation of Google’s continued commitment to improving user privacy.

Deadline for transition to new privacy settings

Google gives users until December 1st to move their travel records to mobile devices, according to an email issued to users.

After that, users won’t be able to view their Timelines via the web when Google begins to remove their historical data from the cloud.

After the deadline, Google will try to transfer the user’s trip history from the previous 90 days to the first device they use to log in to Google. Information more than ninety days old will be erased.

Custom options for ‘Timeline’ feature

Users of Google Maps will be able to choose whether they want Google to automatically remove their location data or to store it until they do.

To access these settings, launch Google Maps, click on your profile image, and choose ‘Your Timeline.’

Choose now whether you want your location information to be automatically erased after 3, 18, or 36 months, or to be maintained until you explicitly delete it.