Description of Mr. Mohsen Kalhor, Iranian actor, about acting training

Because the actor is the key element in any play, a large part of the booklet should be devoted to this category. For this reason, I present the types of acting exercises below.

It should be noted that an actor should always and on a daily basis to perform these exercises to maintain his fitness. The different personalities of the society and their implementation are the most important characteristics of a capable actor. we give.

A) Physical exercises

1- Fartlek Exercises: An actor has to run a distance every day in order to gain and maintain his physical fitness.

The first days of training after consulting a family doctor for those who have not exercised for a long time, running with short distances and three sessions per week begins and gradually and without haste increases the amount of long distance. For example, if on the first day of training 800 meters was run on the second and third day of training, depending on personal opinion, it is better to add 50 to 100 meters to the distance, or by using a sports stopwatch and observing the principle of constant distance pressure, for example, 800 meters in less time than the previous training day. Go through. For example, the first day of training in 10 minutes and the next day in 9 minutes and 45 seconds and so on to approach the pressure threshold of the person, which is the record of running. What is important in Fartlek exercises is continuous and slow running and combining it with fast and short runs in one day of training that the actors will be able to do after a two to three month training period. The pleasant parts of the city should be done, for example, among the trees of a forest park or…

2- Flexibility exercises: Stretching or isometric exercises are the most basic type of acting exercises. In this type of exercises, the actors perform standing and sitting stretches without performing fast or shock movements by performing gentle stretching movements.

B) Phonetic exercises: Every actor must improve his expression to become an actor. As a suitable exercise to increase the expression power of actors, it is necessary to Cultivate their expression in such a way that they pronounce the Persian letters A to five with loud and continuous movements to the last capacity of their six, and always increase the richness of their expression by lowering and increasing the volume so that they can express their expression during the performance. To play with different rhythms and different intensities and weaknesses with various ups and downs.

C) Breathing exercises: In this type of exercises, the actors must empty their entire lung capacity by controlling their breathing during a certain time and breathe again at a certain time. It is better to empty the lungs at the beginning of 5 seconds and the breathing time to about 15 seconds, and increase over time and during continuous sessions by observing the accuracy of emptying and filling the lungs. This exercise should be performed in a sitting yoga position and in complete relaxation. ((The sitting position of yoga is the same as our four-knee sitting position.))

D) Facial mimicry exercises: These exercises include eye, lip, nose, chin and mouth, ear, forehead and other facial movements.

1- Eye exercises:

These exercises include moving parts of the eye such as the eyelids, eyebrows and corners. Complete opening and closing and using all the eye muscles is one of the types of exercises. Rapid eyebrow movements along with pulling both or one eyebrow and releasing it is an important eyebrow score. Raising and lowering the eyebrows is the same and….

2- Lip and mouth exercises:

Other movements include budding and ring rotation in a clockwise direction, fish mouth movement, full opening of the mouth and lips, and full left and right pulling of the lips.

3- Nasal movements:

Gentle nasal movements such as turning left and right and dilating and contracting the nasal septum are some of these exercises.

4- Ear and forehead movements:

These movements are also known to include a range, and are more focused on the delicate movements of the ear, which are very difficult and painful to practice, and the stretching and contraction movements of the forehead.