Boba Milic Opens Up about Growing Up with Big Dreams in a Small Town

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Boba Milic might have been born in a small town, but the small-town narrative wasn’t for him. From a very young age, he knew he wanted more. Three years ago, this 25-year-old became a father, and he knew he had to secure a future for his daughter. Working out of his living room, he developed innovative ways of selling on Amazon.

With purpose, motivation, and a determined mindset, Boba Milic realized his formidable potential. With his Ran for You Amazon stores, he has quickly scaled his business and created an impressive company. He wanted more for himself and his daughter, and in a short period, Boba Milic has created a company with over 600 employees and one of the most sustainable business models on Amazon.

Based on his own experience, this millennial mogul developed a passion for helping others to succeed as he did. While he certainly wants to give his child a life of abundance, he wants to offer this to all families. Today, Boba Milic helps other fledgling entrepreneurs open their own Amazon stores and guides them through the winding path of the challenging startup phase.

Boba Milic enjoys showing people they can lead a great life. This is partially driven by his desire to be an inspiration to his daughter. At the same time, his passion is fueled by the mantra that winners never quit and quitters never win. This is, perhaps, some of the best business advice that has ever been given.

Acknowledging that it is difficult to start from the bottom, Boba Milic emphasizes the importance of believing in yourself and your potential. He does not recommend quitting your job and jumping into the deep end. Instead, start your endeavor slowly. Just an hour or so every day is progress, and once you see results, you will want to put in more time, thus generating better results. Lastly, Boba Milic wants people to stop listening to others and pondering the what-ifs. Success is about perseverance and not being afraid of fear or failure. In fact, fear can be a great motivator. Use it to your advantage and overcome it while others succumb to it.

Categories: Business