Make sure you are the center of attention: you need to work with confidence and put your name on a piece of music. He insisted on constantly talking about himself and your musical achievements.

 Express your opinions: Express your opinions and opinions and be firm on them.

 Raise your time and goals: Time is always limited, but if you are serious about doing it as a profession, then do your best.

  Get to know your musicians: Smith insisted that you choose the best orchestra, singer and.. It also allows you to use a lot of musicians in your work and also makes you feel comfortable.

Don’t worry about deadlines: As Smith said, you can’t limit a genius to time. Except when musicians are forced to devote time to seasonal concerts.

 Help musicians play correctly: If you work for hours on a piece of music, you need musicians to play it. Smith advises you to tell the musicians wrong, and if there is nothing wrong, give them advice to improve their work.

 Get rid of bad habits: When you look at the composers’ past, they had no fear of confrontation and developed their talents.

 Eliminate your competitors: Be confident and gradually eliminate your competitors by learning your own techniques.