Alexander David Manns Chats Fashion Fantasy

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Alexander David Manns is a top American YouTube entrepreneur influencer, and high-performance business coach, who has built a multi-million-dollar business developing several e-Commerce platforms.

He is a motivational speaker, teaching his followers how to aim big, advertise, market and engage with their customers so that their business can flourish to its full potential.

We sat down with the business mogul to discuss all things Fashion Fantasy.

Let’s get stuck in. As a champion of start-ups, what has been your favorite to date?

I would have to say my latest project Fashion Fantasy is my favorite start up however, I have many new ideas that will be equally as impactful!

Tell us about Fashion Fantasy, and its conception.

The goal behind Fashion Fantasy is simple. One brand that every color and type of person on this Earth will like. It is not catered to just one race or one color or one body size. Fashion Fantasy is for everyone and it’s meant to empower women. I feel as though we do not give women enough credit. I mean I haveincredible woman in my family that have done incredible things as I. 

How are you selecting the clothing for the store?

Myself and my team all sit down and make every piece that is designed, with love and uniqueness. Every stitch is made with thought and comfortability. 

What is your end goal for the brand?

My goal is that in 500 years from now my family and all can look down from Heaven knowing our family unit created, not just a fashion brand, but something that changed the styles, and the way people dress and wear clothing. I want to inspire the whole world with FashionFantasy. 

How do you define success?

I believe success is just the true happiness of oneself. Most people believe money means success or having the most expensive cars but honestly to me success is being able to come home knowing my family is happy and that I did something that the world will remember in a positive way. If I did that then I am not just successful, but I’ve inspired other people to be successful too.

To find out more about Alexander David Manns visit: or watch his YouTube Channel: Alexander David Manns – YouTube