Zeel Thacker: Creating A Difference

Published by Derek Robins on

There are many innovations being experimented and executed in this era of development and revolution. Many are coming forward with ideas that blow your mind and can take the whole technology to a different level with its application.

Zeel Thacker, a 17-year old tech genius from the city of Mumbai chose his career in the technological field with the same aspirations to keep people amused with his talent and execution of ideas. With a mind brimming with innovative ideas, he focuses on bringing about a change within every work that he does and thereby becoming the torch bearer of change in the field of technology.

He is always up for challenger thrown at him every other second. He made up his mind strong enough to be dealing with circumstances hard to surpass. This was an outcome of the years of research that he put in before actually stepping into the actual technological field for his works. He worked hard to have a proper idea about how things went by, as he wanted to be something different than everybody.

Zeel is always of the belief that nothing comes without hardwork. Which is why he intends on sparing no time of his life to put his effort into something worthwhile. He wants to create a reason and meaning out of everything he does. He thinks that nothing goes unnoticed, however gently you do it. So,bhe is careful that every action from his side has a positive touch to it.

Being able to be successful in his career needs some sacrifices and risks that are inevitable. He has always been the one of a kind who doesn’t think twice before taking a risk and feels it’s the best way to increase his chances of building a bright career.

With his confidence and determination, he has also been offering services with his specializations in YouTube marketing, SEO building and online advertising with the help of Google AdSense. He has also worked to help recover many hacked social media pages of artists. That is indeed something to boast about!

For him, Tiktok is not just an entertainment platform. Through his constant effort and dedication he has earned 3 lakhs from Tiktok alone.
He has also managed to earn about Rs.80,000 from Facebook alone and has earned 2-3 lakhs from instagram alone. The way he amazes with his skills and talent doesn’t seem to end.

With his eyes on creating a revolution and bringing about a change with his efforts that doesn’t seem to lose it’s lustre any time, he moves forward with an ideal mind to create a name for himself among the best technological geniuses in India, who would be remembered for being the difference.

Categories: Business