Yassine Medaghri-Alaoui : Flair and Astound entrepreneurs with multiple businesses

Published by Derek Robins on

Very few entrepreneurs have really impressed everyone with their ability to handle a conglomerate smoothly and efficiently and Yassine is one of them. He has his hands in every sector and has been able to manage each efficaciously. He comes from a affluent family background, where his father held some important governmental positions , whereas her mother came from a renowned business family from North Morocco and was also a politician. Yassine was always torn in choosing between a political career or go the entrepreneurial way when growing up. Having started working at the age of 16, he gained immense knowledge and experience, and today owns multiple businesses which are doing exceptionally well in their respective zones.

Yassine decided to start working out at age 16, there he discovered his crucifixion for athletic activities and also realized how important it was to keep his mental health up to check. At age 13 he already felt it was a leader in French schools there is one election between students every year by the beginning of the year to elect the president of the class. He then quickly realized that he haven’t lost any since age 13 until the end of high school. Had a very very much is in talking with strangers and people and try to motivate them over something that was gonna make their life change for the better.

Speaking about his multiple businesses, ‘Groupe Loulanti’, where Yassine serves as the Vice Chairman of the group is one of the most prominent names in the real estate sector of Morocco. They have been named as one of the most successful builders in Northern Morocco. MEDIALAOUI is Yassine’s advertising company for which he is the President and Chairman. With the growing number of brands and businesses that have contributed to the economy of Morocco to a large scale, Yassine believed in creating an advertising company that can make great use of transportation like taxis, which represent as a great partner for marketing and advertising. It is specialised in the creation of advertising space that can bring people closer to brands and businesses through impactful communication and visibility not only across Morocco but internationally as well.

Yassine has come up with DRIVE BOX, which is an innovative tablet project as more and more customers have increased their commutation through taxis, more room is made available for tailored advertisement strategies. Also, to initiate an environmentally friendly advertisement initiative, Yassine has been working upon its phygital business ecosystem by optimum and effective use of tactile tablets at the back of the driver and the co-driver’s seats. DRIVE BOX will not only advertise and market people and companies, but it will also entertain the passengers and get their hands on many online services as well.

Apart from this, there are several other upcoming projects as well in diverse sectors of hospitality and entrepreneurship that Yassine is working upon to bring about the best services to create mutually beneficial partnerships to turn them into lucrative endeavours. His company is working to create a one of a kind hotel complex which would be adjacent to the Marrakech Menara Airport. Yassine also has created the ‘Moroccon Association for African entrepreneurs’, that aims to help young entrepreneurs across Africa to advise on their projects and businesses. It is for helping youngsters for creating ideas and if they happen to work really well, Yassine also invests in the same, becoming majority shareholders, making the financial part for entrepreneurs easier.

Looking at the feats that Yassine has already achieved in the business world and knowing the many aspirations for which he is working consistently, makes us believe that he would soon achieve all his business goals and take his multiple projects in business on the path to success.