What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer?

Published by Raeesa Sayyad on

Pancreatic cancer happens when cells in the pancreas grow out of control and form a tumour. The pancreas is a significant organ of the digestive system, encompassed by the stomach and situated close to the spleen, gallbladder and liver. Health authorities frequently depict the pancreas as having a head, body and tail. The NHS says a tumour in the pancreas does not usually present with any symptoms, meaning the cancer can be hard to spot.

About portion of all cases are analyzed in individuals matured 75 or over and your chances of developing it under the age of 50 are much lower.

There are several signs of pancreatic cancer to watch out for.

But be aware that many of these may be attributed to other less severe health conditions.

The NHS says some of the first noticeable symptoms are:

stomach and back pain
unexpected weight loss

Other possible symptoms may include:

nausea or being sick
loss of appetite
changes in your bowel habits including diarrhoea, loose or smelly stools, constipation
digestive problems or indigestion
fever and shivering
blood clots
recently diagnosed diabetes

If you are concerned about having these symptoms or experience a sudden flare-up of some kind, it is best to get a check-up from your doctor.
What are the risk factors associated with pancreatic cancer?

Medical experts do not know what causes pancreatic cancer but there are several risk factors associated with developing it.

These can include older age, typically people aged 50 to 80, being overweight, smoking, pancreatitis and having a family history of the cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer UK says there is also some evidence that your risk of getting pancreatic cancer may be worsened by alcohol consumption, eating red or processed meat and having gallstone or gall bladder surgery.

The charity also lists a history of cancer and people with the blood group A, AB and B as potentially creating a higher risk but adds more evidence is required.

Pancreatic cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Some forms of the disease may only require one form of treatment whereas others might need two or even all three types to help beat it.