Weber-Morgan Health division to hold many flu clinics at school beginning Monday

Residents of Weber County are welcome to go to any of seasonal flu clinics Weber-Morgan Health Department will hold at many schools this fall.
“Any member of the family can come to any of our clinics,” said Cheryl Andreasen, general health nurse with the office, in a public statement. “We’ll be out in the community at a school near your home.”
Four flu centers will be held Monday. Majestic and Heritage Elementary schools will both have facilities at 9 a.m., while Wahlquist Junior High will hold a center at 1 p.m., and Shadow Elementary will have one at 1:30 p.m.
Ten different schools will hold facilities Tuesday through Thursday, including Uintah Elementary, West Weber Elementary, H. Fellow Child, Canyon View School, Pioneer Elementary, Sandridge Junior High, Valley Elementary, North Ogden Elementary, Snowcrest Junior High and Valley View Elementary.
Flu cases will in general ascent in October and November and peak December through February, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“It’s really important to get that protection early, especially if you’re looking at holiday and family gatherings, working in an office with clients and coworkers or sending your kids to school,” Andreasen said in the discharge. “You’ll want to get that before the virus starts spreading in our community.”
Without protection, flu shots will cost $30, flu mist will cost $35 and the high-portion influenza immunization prescribed for those 65 and more seasoned will cost $59.
Vaccines for pneumonia (Prevnar 13 and Pneumovax23) and Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) will likewise be offered at the school centers, as per a Health Department official statement.
Pneumonia vaccines are $110 to $180 contingent upon age, without insurance. The Tdap antibody for grown-ups is $55.