The deal maker, Robert Ceccarelli behind some of the NFL’s Finest

Robert Ceccarelli, the branding specialist behind NFL players you need to know Robert
Robert started social media 9 years ago with two of his best friends. The first platform they started with was twitter, and they really didn’t know what they were doing. He slowly figured out what resonated, and by year two he ended up growing multiple accounts to 10M+ followers.
From then on he started working with celebrities and athletes due to his big following and was able to guide them on how to use social media to draw engagement with their audience. In the last 2 years, he has been able to unite the biggest brands with his roster of 45+ NFL athletes.
“Success to me is waking up every day, getting to do what I love, and working with people I enjoy being around. Some people might say that money isn’t apart of success but they’re lying, you can’t pay your mortgage on wishes.
Below are some Quotes about Robert from 3 NFL stars.

“This guy (Rob) knows his stuff when it comes to an

“Rob has a skill that complements athletes in a way that’s 2nd to none. His concept of building it like a family, not a business is something I can really get behind” -Oday Aboushi Detroit lions @odayaboushi

“Rob’s knowledge of an athlete’s audience is 11 out of 10. He truly cares about us as people not just athletes and really looks out for us and our loved ones”- Dallin Leavitt Oakland Raiders @d_lowe2
Follow Robert and keep up with his moves on his Instagram @ballin