Team Solo Mid Unveils Jungler As Roster Is Almost Complete For The 2020 Season

League of Legends Roster Shuffle 2019, is indeed the greatest time of the year. You will find us with you through every step of the way, updating you with the signings of the players, trade as well as implications for the former as well as new teams.
The team Solo Mid has shared that they are in the process of finalizing the Immortal Academujungler, Joshua “Dardoch Hartnett” for the coming season of LCS. Their earlier roster move happened during the last week of November where the support from Smoothie for the Biofrost has been traded from CLG.
As soon as the move is completed, the TSM roster will be Broken Blade, Bjergsen, Dardoch, Biofrost, and Kobbe for the 2020 season. The solo laners will be retained from the earlier season, which did not turn out to be successful for the team as a whole. They actually failed to qualify for the World Championship for the second time consecutively. Therefore changes in the coaching staff and roster were expected indeed.
In October, the team accessed the extension with their star players like Bjergsen. In addition to having higher salary, Bjergsen was given team ownership as well. He has been the part of the team since November 2013. He has been the team’s poster player. He went through tens of squad’s iteration, both successful as well as the unsuccessful ones.
With new signing, it remains unclear about what will be happening to the Matthew Akaadian Higginbotham’s fate. Looking at his social media, he has received multiple offers from other teams of LCS however has failed to finalize the deal with any of those.
Dardoch being acquired by TSM happened after the team failed to sign former Jungler Jake XmithiePuchero who accepted to be the free agent in the end of November. Once the rumors came out, that Team Liquid will not be capable of maintaining the former jungler, all the teams of LCS started bidding on him. The most lucrative of the contracts were from Team Solo Mid and Immortals. Xmithis decided to go with the Immortals who had small absence from the LCS after denying for the franchising.
Having Kobbe signing and trades for the Dardoch and Biofrost, the team Solo Mid is looking forward to be a contender for the domestic championship and to earn the spot in the world championship in New Year i.e. 2020. It would not be wrong to say that to earn a spot in World Championship is a pending feat needed to be completed since 2017.
Dardoch has joined the Team Solo Mid after it completed the season in the Academy League under the Optic Brand. Will the Team Solo Mid be able to regain the glory that they’ve lost or will they be continuing the streak of missing the World Championship. So let’s just wait for more news about the Team Solo Mid Unveils Jungler as Roster is Almost Complete for the 2020 Season. However the wait is almost over.