One To Keep Your Eyes On – Newcomer Poldi

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The German rapper, born as Leopold Karrer, has launched his new conscious rap at a pivotal moment. Asking the right questions at the right time, he is building his own movement.

The 20-year old just recently released his first song ‘Liebe > Hass’ (Love is bigger than hate) on all streaming platforms and made very clear that his music addresses the real issues and struggles of his generation. A harsh contrast to a currently stagnating music scene, that has lost itself in ‘faking it until we’re making it’, offering little but materialistic show-boating in 2020. Ironic, that it’s a 20-year-old that steps up to the mic asking the
important questions. The thought of unity, peace, and morals over individual interests and economical profit, are skillfully broken down in the first couple of bars of the single, that doesn’t try to be old school or nostalgic in any way. Contrary, the young artist refuses to hold on to traditions, and question previous generation’s efforts and participation in positive change.

Facing the generation of his parents, he rightfully asks, “why do we, the youngest, have to take care of the aftermath of your past irresponsibilities?” It’s urgent topics and statements like these that truly connect Poldi to an audience, which is very likely to go beyond his generation.
Building the bridge from the current situation of the music industry to society, he questions what values are actually left? The promotion of superficial validation and beauty on social media is more than a threat, but much rather has already left strong marks on humanity.

Too deep for you? Well, there’s no apologies from our side, because we’re into it. Art has always been the platform to ask questions, to dig deeeper, to provoke emotions, thoughts and change.

Poldi grew up with old school rap, but much rather than the sound of it, the unwritten rules and values stuck with him. The 20-year old who is currently signed with 99 Problemz Music, remembers his idols to always keep things real. If they talked about being street, it was because they were. And they would address the issues they were confronted with in their everyday lives. Whether those were personal, situational, or structural, there was always a lot to talk about. Today’s artist much rather follow up on the idea of creating an image, lacking authenticity. The development, that has come through the commercialization of art, has led to creative outlet become a service, artists becoming brands and audiences becoming the
Poldi, who was born as Leopold Karrer, is now aiming to disrupt this pattern. When talking about his work, he is emphasizes that any other path wouldn’t feel right for him.

“It’s not about showing off. I want people to feel as if we’re on the same level and have similar issues. There wouldn’t be a point in talking about a lifestyle I don’t care about. I want people to know that I actually care about my listeners and the subjects I speak upon. This provides a special connection between the listener and the artist, which bragging about my wealth just won’t cut.”.