Meet Ryan Rios who has scaled the ladders of success in Telemarketing Sales

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Creating a huge mark for himself and gaining tremendous recognition in the field of sales of telemarketing industry, Ryan Rios is a successful chapter to inspire.

Sales is all about intuition, right pitch, key strategy making, and a flawless presentation. Success seldom depends upon one’s attitude. One can have all the necessary skills and competencies to be a good salesman, but it is the right attitude that separates the boys from men. One can experience failure, but a true salesman understands that it is only failure that leads to success. A good salesman realizes that a fall in fact is important to rise up again. That’s the true undying spirit of sales, its never over until it is over!

No matter what, one cannot take out sales from any place, whether your business or job does not involve sales, but it does exist at multiple levels. The very job of the salesman decides upon the revenue that the company generates. Bad sales results into bad profitability or poor revenue generation. Hence, the most important job in any organization is that of the Salesman. One such amazing story and journey of a salesman who rise from the bottom level to being the #1 salesman in the united states in telemarketing has been of Ryan Rios. Ryan’s initial days of struggling made him a fighter that he is today. From the instance of losing his warehouse job to borrowing money from his mother to take a bus ride, Ryan has experienced different levels of tough situations.

Ryan who got his first sales break through an ad on Craigslist in 2013 took the opportunity with open hands. This initial sales job yielded him a paycheck of $190/week. But his sheer passion, interest and love for sales had already touched sky high and he went about his job very seriously to make enough amount of money to move in his own house. Ryan immensely is thankful to his mentors Ricky Gomez and Kris Gomez who taught every fundamental of sales to him. While Ricky ensured to teach him all the basic aspects of sales and taught him to train hard, Kris taught Ryan to think big and upskill. In the end the end product was a super polished salesman by the name of Ryan Rios.

Today Ryan Rios is #1 producer salesman in the country in the tele marketing sector, has achieved 7-figure mark in terms of profitability within a years’ time which is by far the fastest feat achieved by an individual and has overall made $5 million in sales in his sales career. All this has enabled him to maintain the #1 position across the country for some time.

Ryan’s example of pure determination, sheer passion and interest stands as a true example for millions of upcoming and budding salesman to follow. We wish him best of luck for all his future endeavors. Follow his story on Instagram @ryanhelpedme.