Mark Murphy on the Estimation of Using a Travel Agent versus OTAs

Finding the ideal travel agent is simpler than you may might suspect and satisfy of doing as such can be exponential. The advantages of working with a believed guide incorporate setting aside some cash, time and migraines expedited by innumerable hours spent seeking bargains or a messed up booking.
On Tuesday, travAlliancemedia president and CEO, Mark Murphy showed up on Fox 29 Philadelphia to reveal extra insight into the estimation of working with a travel agent and to share what he calls the “dirty little secret” about online booking sites.
“If you go to Expedia, you go to Travelocity and you go to Orbitz they are three different brands but the same company,” he said. “What you want to do is bring someone who’s impartial into the discussion. I would use a travel agent because you don’t have the same leverage that the travel agent has.”
Murphy additionally uncovered his most loved fast and simple approach to kick off a moderate get-away when you have adaptability.
“Just go on Google Flights and put in your origin city and the dates that you want to travel and then just click on ‘explore destinations.'” What’s really cool about this is that you can be spontaneous and then hand it over to the travel agent so they can deal with the airline, hotel and all of that other stuff,” he included.