Manila Bulletin reporter named one of Lifestyle Asia’s 18 Game Changers

Published by Matthew Borg on

Anna Mae Yu Lamentillo, a reporter of Manila Bulletin for the Opinion Section, was named one of Lifestyle Asia’s 18 Game Changers.

Lamentillo is additionally the chairperson of the Build, Build, Build Committee of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). She is the simultaneous executive of the Infrastructure Cluster Communica­tions Committee.

Already, she worked with both United Nations Development Programme and the Food and Agricul­ture Organization of the United Nations in their Haiyan Emer­gency Response and Rehabilitation Pro­gramme.

She graduated cum laude at the Uni­versity of the Philip­pines Los Baños with a level of Devel­opment Communi­cations, where she collected the most astounding general weighted average for Development Journalism majors and got the Faculty Medal for Academic Excellence. She com­pleted her Executive Education in Economic Development in Harvard Kennedy School.

She is as of now seeking after her Juris Doc­tor program at the UP College of Law.

She has been granted Natatanging Isko­lar Para sa Bayan, Oblation Statute for the Virtues of Industry and Magnanimity, and Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines (Region IV-A).

Lamentillo was additionally named by BluPrint as one of 50+ ASEAN Movers and Shakers.

Matthew Borg

Matthew Borg has been the lead news writer at Globe Stats. His passion for helping people in all aspects of online marketing flows through in the expert industry coverage he provides. In addition to writing for Globe Stats, Borg also provides consulting services for businesses.