Is Talha Anjum coming on a collaboration with Khawar Malik?

The artist, Khawar Malik was doing a Q&A session on his Instagram account. Along with questions relating to his age and other mainstream questions, someone asked the musician about his upcoming projects.
A person specifically asked him a question “When are you coming on a song with Talha Anjum” to which Khawar replied, “I haven’t announced anything like that yet, but we are working on something and it’s going to be really good and it’s going to be really soon”
All the diehard fans from both musicians are waiting for this collaboration to be out really soon, we are not really sure when will the collaboration be out but we can hope it to be really soon too.

Talha Anjum is the one artist from “Young Stunners”. It’s a Karachi based band famous for their tracks like “Maila Majnu” and “Karachi Lingo”. Surprisingly, both artists from Young Stunners are named “Talha”.
Whatever and whenever these artists are going to put out the new music is something we don’t know. One thing that we do know for sure is that it’s going to be great.