Dr. Ali AlSaqoby Lists 5 Essential Qualities That Every Dentist Must have to Build a Successful Career

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Dentistry is a rewarding profession, where dentists are in a constant process of learning and changing people’s lives for the better. With great reward comes great challenges, as dentistry without a doubt, is one of the most demanding careers in the world. The demand requires a combination of skill set, talent and personalities traits to be successful. We will delve into some of these qualities as per one the most successful dentists in the Middle east: Dr. Ali AlSaqoby

The following are the essential five qualities:

⦁ Being trustworthy

Work in the dental chair involves various sharp objects, although painless they look intimidating! For the patient to have a degree of comfort receiving the treatment using these objects, in a delicate area such as the mouth. There must be trust! This is where communication, professionalism and empathy are key to be deemed as trustworthy by patient, leading to a delivery of outstanding treatment.

⦁ Being a good communicator

Communication is one of the most fundamental skills to have in dentistry according to several studies. As with many skills, it can be developed with adequate practice. A great dentist is a great communicator! It comes by no surprise that a good communication with the patient is associated with increased efficiency and more accurate diagnosis leading to overall improved patient outcomes and satisfaction. Therefore, clear and concise communication that does not involve technical dental terms, can transform the patient care for the better.

⦁ Being passionate

Passion at work is extremely important, it gives you a reason to keep learning and working toward mastery. Dentistry being a continuously developing career, one needs to be passionate to keep up to date, and lead in the industry. If you are less passionate about a certain branch of dentistry, then exploring other branches might help.

⦁ Being a good planner

Being a good planner is a quality that many industries require for success. It saves time, energy and facilitates a remarkable execution of the goal. In a busy dental practice, where every minute counts. A dentist that can carefully plan their appointments on what to do and when to do it, will come a long way in giving appropriate time for each patient, leading to optimal diagnosis and planning of treatment. Planning would definitely reduce the stress not only on the dentist but the whole dental team. Leading to the improvement of the work flow in the dental practice, and most importantly the patient care and satisfaction.

⦁ Being a good artist

Good dentists are those that are not only able to be master the theoretical knowledge and science about the field, but also demonstrate a remarkable artistic ability to craft flawless smiles for the patient, that they can happily and confidently flaunt. Therefore, overall possessing a brilliant manual dexterity with adequate practice to complement the talent, is a great quality a dentist may possess to be successful.

This concludes a few of the essential qualities required for a dentist overall success.

More Information about Dr. Ali AlSaqoby

Dr. Ali AlSaqoby demonstrated significant success as a young dentist from Kuwait. He earned a scholarship from the government for his outstanding performance to study dentistry in Leeds. As a student studying abroad not only was he a university topper but also gained the second most talented dental student award and a master of dental surgery degree. Today he is one of the most influential and sought dentists as per his expertise and influence. Dr. Ali’s work goes beyond just providing the best treatment for his patients, to be involving training young dentists to reach their full potential. In a short time, he managed to be one of the most followed dentists with a loyal fan base, in which he leverages to create a positive impact on society, via delivering messages that go beyond just the dental realm as exceptional all-around healthcare professional.