Chang-Hun Chung’s Inspirational Journey From Working 3 Part-time Jobs To Winning Bodybuilding Championships

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Working full-time as a product manager in the healthcare sector and part-time as a personal trainer and nutritionist since 2014 is Chang-Hun Chung, a South Korean who currently resides in Essen, Germany.

His study is focused mainly on athletic conditioning and rehabilitation and has been actively participating in bodybuilding competitions since 2016. Even with a formal education in IT, it has always been his pleasure to help people optimise their bodies. Since he was a little boy, his greatest passion has always been sports, and he grew up being more and more engrossed in it.

“Bodybuilding is a way you can concentrate a hundred percent on yourself regardless of a club. Only you are responsible for looking the way you want to look”, he said, and that was what fascinated him in this sport.

Even though Chang-Hun Chung cannot define himself firmly, there are some values he lives by accordingly, which are discipline, loyalty, and harmony between people.

He is on popular social networks like YouTube, Facebook and between 2000 and 1000 likes on Instagram with approximately 21k followers. He also manages a podcast channel on Spotify, Deezer, and Player Fm with over 5000 listeners every month for all episodes.  

For Chang-Hun-Chung to get this far in his career, he had to take several paths and make great sacrifices. In addition to his training as an IT businessman, he also started his own business as a personal trainer and nutritionist. He had three part-time jobs in the fitness area, working in various fitness studios to gain experience with customers consistently for three years, seven days a week.

He was working Monday to Friday in the office as an IT businessman, on Saturday mornings in a supplement shop and gave personal training on Saturday afternoons; then from Sunday morning to evening, he took on the Sunday shift in a fitness studio as a fitness trainer and in the meantime working for the university.

It was definitely a tough time for him; however, he believes it all makes him who he is today, and the experience was definitely worth it; and despite the tough times he faced during his professional journey, there was never a time he thought of giving up.

Compared to his life before, he now has more time for many other things such as Instagram, Photoshoots, etc., and an improved time plan that has allowed him to work a lot and pursue other hobbies at the same time.

Based on people’s feedback, Chang-Huh Chung has influenced a lot of lives. A lot of people can motivate themselves when they work with him, be it simply joint training or personal training. Many people feel drawn to the positive, and it is important for him to represent the positive values in their lives and is even more pleased if he is able to do that in the process.

Unlike most people, Chang-Hun Chung was not greatly inspired by any known person(s), but rather his close circle of people or family members, and his greatest inspiration came mostly from his father with his work ethic.

For Chang-Hun Chung, it is definitely a nice moment when you achieve exactly what you set as your goal for years.

In 2019, he became German Champion after working so hard and won first place and an overall win in L.A on Muscle Beach and has won quite a number of prizes during his career path which are:

1st place – IFBB International German Championship 2019 (DBFV / IFBB)

2nd place – IFBB Nordic Cup Finland 2019 (DBFV / IFBB)

1st place – IFBB NRW Championship 2019 (DBFV / IFBB)

1st place – Hessian National Champion in the Men’s Physique Class 2016 (DBFV / IFBB)

1st place – NRW state champion in the Men’s Physique class 2016 (DBFV / IFBB)

1st place & overall victory – Lubeca MuscleBeach 2017 (DBFV / IFBB)

1st place – American Dream in Fulda (DBFV / IFBB)

1st place & overall victory – Venice Muscle Beach in Los Angeles 2017

2nd place – Cologne Beach Style 2017 (DBFV / IFBB)

2nd place – Lubeca Muscle Beach 2018 (DBFV / IFBB)

3rd place – International German Championship in the Men’s Physique class (DBFV / IFBB)

6th place – Arnold Classic Europe 2018 (DBFV / IFBB)

1st place & overall victory – Berlin Championship 2018 (DBFV / IFBB)

2nd place – IFBB NRW Championship Duisburg 2018 (DBFV / IFBB)

6th place – IFBB international German championship 2018 (DBFV / IFBB)

Good planning is already 50% of the work, he says. Chang-Hung Chung believes that it is extremely important to carefully plan the work steps and implement them in practice because without a plan, he cannot work in the office, nor can he diet successfully.

He also takes on additional hobbies and activities that absolutely do not affect his professional life in any way. Chang-Hun Chung used to make intensive music, including playing the piano or guitar. Nowadays he likes to meditate and read books to relax, and such activities have a big impact on sports and on his life.

He has been very close to getting the Pro Card, and that has been his future plan, including competing on a professional level, and he intends on working even harder to achieve this goal.

He is currently cooperating with Simon Teichmann from BODY IP, who also happens to be his good friend.

Popularly known as Chang-Hun Chung with no stage name, his message for anyone interested in pursuing his line of work is that “if you find your passion in sports and you really enjoy it, then the motivation should always be there. As soon as you do the sports out of compulsion, you cannot do it successfully in the long term. Therefore, it is very important to find fun in the matter”.

You can find Chang-Hun Chung’s podcast channels on various portals such as Spotify, Deezer, etc.

Categories: Sports