Cambodian Digital Marketer Chansanith Um is building a disruptive digital agency all by himself

Published by Katie Murphy on

Willpower and ambition are sometimes just not enough to make it work for an entrepreneur. But, an entrepreneur willing to change, adapt and utilize the opportunity in front of him for growth will definitely succeed

Entrepreneurship is all to do with change!

Look at the bigger picture. All entrepreneurs are out trying to solve a problem. If you become an entrepreneur, you inevitably travel on a path seeking disruptive change.

That is why entrepreneurs are a different breed of individuals. According  EY data, entrepreneurs are more optimistic about opportunities than business leaders. Among entrepreneurs, a massive 67% of them focused on discovering new ventures and opportunities.

Digital Marketing Entrepreneur Chansanith Um is no different. Starting as an aspiring digital marketer, he disrupted the industry with his unique trait.

Wanting to change comes at a risk. Chansanith was bold enough to take on the challenge to change the system. He knew there was a risk in the undertaking.

“As an entrepreneur, the early stages is always challenging. You are taking on a whole new challenge with a risk. You are not sure if it will be successful or not at the start.”

“But, looking at the bigger picture now, I am glad that I was able to take that risk at the start of my career”.

Observation to Solution

When Chansanith started, he identified problems in the marketplace and brought in disruptive change.

This change had a lot to do with believing in one’s self and pursuing the opportunity despite the odds.

Having an open-mind is very important for an entrepreneur. This mentality helps entrepreneurs adapt fast.

Today, unlike any other time, it is essential to keep up with the technology to stay in the game. To do that, entrepreneurs need to have the vision to identify change and understand its importance.

“As entrepreneurs, we have to see through the changes and take on any challenge as an opportunity. It is always essential to have an open mind. Because once you think in a closed framework, you will never want to see what is on the other side.”

This opportunistic open-minded capability enabled the Cambodian entrepreneur to rise the ladder as one of the top 10 most sought after digital entrepreneurs in the industry.

What was different in him was that he searched for opportunities and forecasted the trends while the rest were happy to stay in the current setup.

Most importantly, Do NOT QUIT!

Even the most successful entrepreneurs in history have had failures. Failures will test entrepreneur persistence to the core. It is essential for an entrepreneur.

A large portion of entrepreneurs burn-out in the first three months because they are not prepared to fight through the tough times.

Nothing in life comes easy. Entrepreneurship comes at an X200 difficulty.

You have to bring in an extra level of dedication and commitment. This dedication means that you have to make sacrifices.

While your friends are off on a Friday night partying, you’ll have to be on a desk grinding away on your work.

However, this does not mean that there is no time left for you to have fun. According to Chansanith, it is all about prioritizing your commitment.

“You will have to make changes in your lifestyle. I am not saying that you should not have any free time. Everyone needs time away to blow off some steam.”

“What is essential is to understand that a majority share of your personal life that you spent will need to be applied to achieve your goals!”

“In a few years when your effort sees reward, you will understand that skipping the Friday night-out was worth it!”

Katie Murphy

Katie Murphy has been writing for over 6 years now. She was a professor of Science as well. She has found her solace in writing so she decided to pursue a career in writing. Her writing skills is so excellent as compared to the professional writers, so her writing skills may be confirmed independently on