Being Empathetic to the Human Plight is the Bare Minimum, Especially During a Worldwide Disaster Like the Pandemic, Says Instagram Star Randi Banks

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Many reasons divide humanity. And many unite us. Although it may seem, thanks to popular media channels, that people have a stronger tendency towards disengagement, it seems that’s only half the truth. The other half has a white glow of halo around it. It shows that people care for the well-being of others. Some call it philanthropy; others call it being a good neighbor. 2020 was a good example of both. In this article, social media influencer Randi Banks advocates the importance of philanthropy amidst the pandemic.

The pandemic was a global event. By and large, it affected everyone in 2020. While the virus itself made no discrimination in the people or land it affected, it was clear that poor countries and poor people, in general, were ill-equipped to deal with its consequences. Randi, who found herself in Houston, during the pandemic, was quick to realize the role that good-willed philanthropy plays in such situations. She says, “For me, the pandemic was a time of putting things in perspective. The news was awash with images of victims. The poor, among them, seemed most vulnerable and weak in the face of this pandemic. Without a poignant place in the world, they had little to derive hope from. Their helplessness was felt by some who were way up in the social and economic order. And for me, it was the work of these philanthropists, both groups and individuals, that became a beacon of hope in the hour of collective despair.”

The resilience of goodwill is the defense of the world against a crisis. The pandemic was a mirror we couldn’t turn away from. We were forced to come face-to-face with our fears and insecurities. According to Randi, “Philanthropists came forth in this hour of need. They recognized that the poorer sections of society will be faced with a shortage of food and water. And many around the world used their resources to help the needy. From organizing mass food camps every day to providing basic medication for free, the philanthropists used their wealth to keep the dent created by Covod-19 from widening. The world needs individuals who can rise to the challenge, who come from the shadows to lend a hand and who feel a sense of responsibility towards the less unfortunate.” For Randi, being helpful to others in a wholesome way is a way of keeping our humanity intact. And self-motivated philanthropists help do just that.

Categories: Lifestyle