Artist Yana Kryukova interviewed and photographed By Allan Gregorio

Published by Greg Read on

24-year-old Graphic designer/Artist turned influencer and Russian social Alien, Yana Kryukova sits down in a short Q&A in an Exclusive for FGUK Magazine. Shot and Interviewed by Allan Gregorio,  Kryukova continues to carve out her aesthetic racking up over 420,000 followers via Instagram Yana uses colour as her inspiration springboard, emoting her abstract views on the world and self.

In these times when differences separate us further and further, a group of fundamentally diverse young artists gathered for a fun experiment to prove that even seemingly clashing tastes and styles are not an obstacle when you approach collaboration open-mindedly. Styling thanks to Cecile Loreen with makeup by Lucia Mihalikova (MUA Creation).

Hi Yana, in a few words, how would you introduce yourself to our audience? 

Yana Kryukova, 24, artist from Russia.

Your Instagram account is titled ‘Sad artist’. Can you expand on this? 

It means that I went through water and fire. My life has never been easy. I’ve always laughed in the face of fear and death. To me, pain and imperfection are the best drives to action.

You get actively engaged in drawing, graphic design, photography, music, and video projects. Where do you feel the most comfortable and what inspires you the most? 

Music video projects. Static photography is somewhat limited in terms of expression.

You were born in Russia. Do you think your roots have a certain influence on your creativity? 

I was born in the 90s, the toughest decade in the recent Russian history. I grew up in a small town in the South Ural region. Those factors have definitely shaped up my perception of reality. Having been exposed to suffering, sadness and emotional pain made me find an escape in self-expression through video and photography, where I could take the center stage. So I decided to dedicate my life to creating and, thanks to the Internet, I got a chance to share my work.

You spend a lot of time abroad. Does that impact your views and creativity? 

I’ve learned to see a bigger picture thanks to diverse personal connections, new information, architecture, galleries, books, music, lifestyleetc.

What do you like the most about the West and Russia, respectively? 

While you get more creative opportunities in the West, Russia makes you a tougher survivor.

What would you recommend your followers to see in St. Petersburg? 

Visit the Hermitage Museum, rent a speedboat and explore the canals, go to a bar in the evening.

If you had a chance to collaborate with anyone, whom would you team up with? 

Perhaps one of the Hollywood stars. I wouldn’t mind taking part in a great movie, making my contribution to cinema.

How do you envisage Yana Kryukova, aged 60? 

I’m trying to envisage how to get to the age of 60 :))

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Greg Read

Greg Read is an english poet, playwriter and actor. He has written many poems and short stories. He completed MBA in finance. He has worked for a reputed bank as a manager. Greg has found his passion to write and express, that is why he has decided to become an author. Now he is working on Globe Stats website as a freelance news writer.