Andrei Lucas – New Single Release

Published by Matthew Borg on

Andrei Lucas – “Mad”

After sticking the fingers up to Cancer following a stern 2018 Andrei is releasing the amazing and empowering single titled “Mad”, he certainly has a lot to say. Andrei is worried about the youth’s vulnerabilities of today and his new song stands for awareness of mental health and facing illness. After facing a lot of challenges in his life, Andrei is engaged on a musical journey, hoping to achieve his goals through the pop music scene.

I’ve been called mad for just showing my emotions and there have been times when I was honest about how I feel and I was told I’m having a mental breakdown. People seem to impose a standard of how we should feel at any given time, and I think we should be allowed to be vulnerable.”

Andrei has a profound, sophisticated and up-tempo sound, his style which is very classic and we see this as being pretty cool. You can sense a unique approach on his dress code, as trendsetters ourselves we really liked that! The first single of Andrei‘s career came out in 2017 titled “Heart On My Sleeve”, after a little hiatus he returned to compose more songs in 2019. As a composer, Andrei’s main goal is to explore authenticity with reaching his fans through being honest, describing personal life experiences and emotions with no fear to expose real-life issues and vulnerabilities. He wants to support his listeners bringing awareness to relevant subjects like social media peer pressure, online dating, and life struggles.

On “Mad” his 3rd release Andrei described how he collaborated with LuckyBamba, a South America producer seeking organic and raw instrumentals to express the raw feeling that music requires. Andrei believes that being empowering and writing with a real-life message is so important when creating great quality music, he hopes to change the stigma and cancel the idea of being honest is madness. The song is literally a summer anthem with great lines such as “this summer I’m going mad”. This is a celebration of life and Andrei wants you to know that things can be tough but you have no reason to give up.

Categories: Lifestyle

Matthew Borg

Matthew Borg has been the lead news writer at Globe Stats. His passion for helping people in all aspects of online marketing flows through in the expert industry coverage he provides. In addition to writing for Globe Stats, Borg also provides consulting services for businesses.